Welcome to the Northeast Indiana Early Childhood Coaltion

Developed with support from Ambassador Enterprises, the Northeast Indiana Early Childhood Coalition is a collaboration with the eleven counties in the region. Our mission is
Connecting Communities to Advance Early Learning

We do this through leading regional projects,and we support counties as they develop their own initiatives.  We embrace learning and growing and know that together we can accomplish great things

Early Childhood Workforce

Action Team Current Project:
Uncovering underlying beliefs about early childhood as a profession and creating a resource to identify why people leave the field to develop solutions to attract and retain ECE staff.

& Advocacy

Action Team Current Projects:

Road Show to advocate the results of the economic impact study across the region & convening a group of statewide partners to develop a unified message of policy reform.

Employer/Business Engagement

Action Team Current Project:
Organizing a virtual info session on the  upcoming Employer Sponsored Child Care Grant opportunity and offering support to seek the grant funds for locally focused solutions.
