Class Resources for MATH/MTHE 212: Linear Algebra-II at Queen's University in Winter 2018

Week 1 :

  • Topics: Vector spaces, subspaces, sums and direct sums.

  • Summary of Week 1.

  • No tutorial in Week 1 .

Week 2 :

  • Topics: Span, Linear Independence and Basis of a Vector Space.

  • Summary of Week 2 which contains details of proofs that were skipped/sketched in class.

  • Week 2 Tutorial.

Week 3 :

Week 4 :

Week 5:

Week 6 :

Week 7 :

  • Topics:Orthogonal projections, minimizing distance, method of least squares, adjoints.

  • Notes on least squares solutions given in the summary notes.

  • Summary of Week 7.

  • Week 7 Tutorial.

Week 8 :

Week 9 :

  • Topics: Finding square roots of positive operators, Polar Decomposition and Singular Value Decomposition.

  • Summary of Week 9.

  • Week 9 Tutorial.

Week 10 :

  • Topics: Generalized eigenvectors, multiplicity of an eigenvalue, Characteristic and minimal polynomials

  • Summary of Week 10.

  • Week 10 Tutorial.

Week 11 :

Week 12 :

Exam preparation :

  • A checklist to help you prepare for the exam, especially to have an idea of the level of proof-based problems. It also includes a list of learning outcomes.

  • Extra Problems.

  • Please look at the Solutions only after trying seriously to solve the problems.