Neha's Portfolio


Final Project : Room Station

  • nightlight

  • FM radio with pot control

  • RGB LED Matrix control with keypad

  • plays animation triggered by clapping/loud noises

  • displays current time, date, temperature, and humidity

  • buzzer alarm set with keypad

Motion Alarm with Disable Feature.MOV

Motion Alarm

when the PIR sensor detects motion, the buzzer beeps until the password is entered into the keypad, and then it waits for the user to enter a number into the keypad followed by a * or # to indicate how much time in seconds or minutes respectively they want the alarm disabled
RTC Set Date and Time.MOV

Set Date and Time

allows the user to set the date and time on the RTC using the potentiometer to select a digit between 0 and 9, press the button to go to the next digit, and displays the selections on the OLED screen

Blinking LED with Button Control

LED stops blinking if button is pressed twice, resumes blinking if pressed once

4017 8 LED Compass with UNO Control

uses the 74HC4017 chip to control 8 LEDs that represent N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW

RGB Flash Animation without Library

plays frames from the flash of the RGB LED matrix to create an animation using only the Wire library
Button Blink LED.MOV
RGB LED Flash Animation.MOV

Temperature in Morse Code

the detection of a loud sound from the sound sensor trips a temperature reading from the DHT11, and its binary value is sounded out by the buzzer (long beep = 1, short beep = 0)

Distance Displayed with 8 LEDs

one UNO transmits the distance read by a PING sensor to another, which displays the distance as a binary value by controlling 8 LEDs with port manipulation (on = 1, off = 0)

Error Checking for I2C Devices

prints to the Serial Monitor the error code returned by Wire.endTrasmission() with a brief description
DHT Morse Code.MOV
I2C Error Check