NOTE: Please submit your film to ONE CATEGORY ONLY. For example, if your film is submitted as an Indiana Spotlight Narrative it will also be eligible for consideration as a general Narrative short. Please submit to the most specific category possible (example: Horror genre shorts to Horror) and only that single category. Films across all categories are eligible for Grand Prize consideration within their respective category - please note that titles that have previously submitted to the Academy Awards are not eligible for the qualifying Narrative/Documentary/Animated Grand Prizes, but are eligible for other awards. If you have any questions about submitting please email

Nonprofit arts organization Heartland Film, Inc. will host the seventh annual Indy Shorts International Film Fest (Indy Shorts) to exclusively showcase short films (under 40 minutes in length) from July 23-28, 2024, with in-person screenings in Indianapolis but with a pandemic contingency plan for a hybrid virtual and outdoor events. All winners will play encore screenings at the Heartland International Film Festival in the following October. An Academy Award-qualifying film festival in all three categories (Live Action, Documentary, and Animation short film categories), the winner of the Narrative, Documentary, and Animated Grand Prizes will qualify for Academy Awards without the standard theatrical run, granted they meet all the other requirements needed to qualify. Short films featured at Indy Shorts/Heartland over the years have gone on to be short-listed, nominated, and winners of Academy Awards. In the past 11 years, 33 films have been nominated with 10 going on to win Oscars.

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Indy Shorts has earned the special designation of being a qualifying festival for the Annual Academy Awards for all three Short Film categories: Live Action, Documentary, and Animated. This means that the winner of the Indy Shorts Grand Prize for Best Narrative Short, Grand Prize for Best Documentary Short, and Grand Prize for Best Animated Short will qualify for consideration in the Short Films category of the Annual Academy Awards without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules.

The Academy Award-Qualifying Indy Shorts International Film Festival presented by Heartland Film (Indy Shorts) is the largest shorts festival in the Midwest running in Indianapolis, Indiana, since 2018! Originally an expansion to the Heartland International Film Festival, Indy Shorts has become its own six-day summer festival that celebrates the unique, creative and captivating art of short films in a wide range of categories including horror, comedy, documentary, narrative, animated, and more!

Standard lineup films are considered Official Selections and are eligible for Grand Prizes and other awards. Special Presentation films play outside of competition and are not eligible for Grand Prizes.

Each submitted film goes through an involved judging process, and is screened in its entirety by at least one member of the selection committee. Selected films could eventually be seen more than six times by members of the screening committees, programming staff, and juries.

Film must have been made while student/filmmaker was still enrolled as a student at a high school or international high school equivalent. Indiana filmmakers only eligible for secondary Indiana Spotlight prize.

Films in competition for the Indiana Spotlight Award must either include principal production (director or producer) or cast (leading actor/actress) currently living in Indiana and/or the film was shot in Indiana.

Films must provide an H.264 or ProRes copy suitable for exhibition by the deadlines communicated. Failure to provide film print files and/or other requested film contract materials can result in your film being pulled from the lineup.

Premiere status does not affect eligibility, but if a Premiere status is confirmed with the Festival at the time of confirmation it cannot change. Indy Shorts has the right to pull the film from the lineup if this status is changed after confirmation.

No public/in-person exhibition of your film can take place in Indiana from the time of confirmation through the Indy Shorts event. If your film is not available online at the time of confirmation, we highly suggest that you do not make it available until after the event.

Short films that have already applied for the Academy Awards (in 2022 of before) are not eligible for the Grand Prizes. Titles that have already applied for Academy consideration are still eligible to be Official Selections and are eligible for other awards.

Filmmaker warrants that they are authorized to commit the film for screening, and understand and accept these requirements and regulations, and, if accepted for Indy Shorts, agree that no screening fee will be demanded. I hereby warrant that I have all the necessary rights to exhibit all elements of my submission, including music rights.

If selected to screen at Indy Shorts, you authorize Heartland Film, Inc. to publicly exhibit your film again as part of year-round screening series, for at least one potential screening in 2024 or 2025.

A phenomenal festival! Great communication, wonderful audiences and events, lovely facilities. We were thrilled to have our film The Marked play there to a sold-out audience, and especially loved the connections we were able to make with fellow filmmakers and other industry professionals. Highly recommend.

I cannot say enough good things about this festival. Everything from the quality of the programming to the filmmaker hospitality was top notch. It's one of MovieMaker's 25 Coolest Festivals and 50 Festivals Worth the Entry Fee for a reason. I will encourage every filmmaker I know to submit and hope very much to return with future films!

Indy Shorts International Film Festival is an Academy Award-qualifying festival exclusively showcasing short films 40 minutes or less from around the world from July 25-28, 2019 at Newfields. The largest short film festival in the Midwest, Indy Shorts brings more than 100 films, red carpets, panels, parties and live entertainment. Visit for film titles and tickets.

What is your role in putting HIFF together? Share your experience! I oversee the operations of the festival and have been doing so for 15 years. From working with venues to managing the technical exhibition, I have to make sure both the audience and filmmaker experience is of the highest quality.

Which film are you most excited about for #HIFF32? I am excited to celebrate some very special Hoosier stories in a few of these films. We have an incredible lineup with titles from all over the world, but to pair them with great stories from our home state is extra exciting.

What makes Heartland Film special? The quality of our festival experience for attendees and filmmakers is what makes Heartland Film special. We have over 100 filmmakers coming into town who will do audience Q&As after their films, which always provide so much insight into the making of their art.

What makes Heartland Film special? Heartland Film is in a unique position to introduce the Indianapolis community to amazing independent films, some of which you may never have an opportunity to see again. Through connections created with the folks in your theater and the post-film Q&A, it can be magical!

What is your role in putting HIFF together? Share your experience! As the Hospitality Coordinator, I organize flights, hotels, rides, and other accommodations for our attending filmmakers. I am their main contact in the weeks preceding the fest and do my best to ensure that everyone has a smooth, positive experience at HIFF.

What makes Heartland Film special? Our programming! Heartland Film screens films of every scale, genre, and nationality. From studio blockbusters to arthouse indies, we celebrate the true breadth and beauty of international cinema.

What makes Heartland Film special? Heartland Film is special because the passion of our small team has had such a large impact on filmmakers and the industry in the Midwest and beyond, especially when it comes to supporting local Indiana artists and projects that are full of talent.

What makes Heartland Film special? Heartland Film is special because no matter who you are or what your interests may be, we have something that will interest, entertain, or inspire you. Given that we show hundreds of films a year across the city, we offer opportunities to bring people together and hopefully help them find their next favorite film!

What is your role in putting HIFF together? Share your experience! As the Social Media Coordinator, I tell the story of Heartland Film, including both of our festivals, as well as other events and community engagement. I love being an advocate for our filmmakers; through social media, we get to help put the word out about their films and get people excited to attend!

What is your role in putting HIFF together? Share your experience! As Artistic Director, I help lead the film selection process and program our full slate of 120+ films at the festival!

The film program is playing Sunday, July 23, 2023 5:15 PM EDT at the Living Room Theaters in Indianapolis and virtually online beginning July 18th. To purchase tickets for the in-person program click here and for the virtual program click here. 589ccfa754

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