Some of them are free, some of them are very good. I liked X1 until it was not

free anymore, Copernicus is very good. Google desktop is nice, but it came with

a lot of stuff I did not need, but maybe now it is better.

I need to access a FTP server via Cyberduck. I am in SFTP and need to "Choose..." a SSH Private Key. I have the TEXT for the private key that was messaged to me. So I can copy and paste it into a file? I'm not sure how to proceed and every resource I find is to generate a key rather than save a file to upload.

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We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.

Using -swepam.txt I need to collect proton density, bulk speed and ion temperature and create a visual diagram which I will get into once I've collected all 120 points of data (1 per minute over the course of 2 hours)

So how exactly would I be able to use the speed, density and temperature to create a visual? For example to determine the shape and size of a triangle? I mean, in terms of taking the data out of the array you've made rather than "how do I make a triangle".

So, how would I go about to show off the value of each data set? As the way it's presented is impossible to read and compare the data in terms of what the values actually are as proton density is usually between the values of 0-2, but the bulk speeds are 300-400.

I don't need to collect data under the mouse pointer, I already have the data stored in records[]. I've already made if statements to read if the mouse is in a certain area, depending on the area will depend the sound it plays back.

it reads the data of the mouse and depending on the values of temp and density, for that column it will play different pitches in sound based on multipliers of the data its presenting in the table. The time between the two notes are then dependent on the speed of the wind.

The max speed of speed is around 800, so 800-records[sl].speed. [sl] is me trying to create a loop to detect the horizontal value in a database as the grid but that doesn't work because mousepressed() is event driven information and without information it can't do shit.

then just use the int i of the for loop to access the array records[i].speed and trigger the note / tone / sound with that pitch --- do the calculations on the fly in the if-clause (which is nested in the for loop)

I've tried to look up this stuff but it's really complicate as it centers around how to generate sound rather than how to use it based on other aspects like multipliers. I just need a way how to generate a sound and change it through pitch using minim. no idea how.

So if I copy that rsa context into the new public key context it would contain two keys but pk does not seem to have handling for that. Do I need to create two separate RSA contexts and then from those create two separate PK contexts?

I just implemented that function but it is failing. I did a check on both mbedtls_rsa_check_pubkey and mbedtls_rsa_check_privkey on my rsa context and both return 0. If the RSA context contains both and I perform: memcpy( mbedtls_pk_rsa( pk ), &rsa, sizeof(rsa)); then why would mbedtls_pk_write_key_pem() fail? mbedtls_pk_write_pubkey_pem by the way is succeeding. I do not understand what mbedtls_pk_ec is, do I need that(Not sure what an EC context is)?

If I need two separate char/byte arrays one containing the private key and one containing the public key how would this be accomplished using only mbedtls_pk_write_key_pem? I am still a bit green when it comes to keys at this low level but if I understand correctly an RSA Private key consists of 5 parts(N, P, Q, D, and E), while a public key consists of only 2 parts(N and E). Is that correct? If so I guess it would be possible to extract just the public key portion from a private key and generate an array from that. That however seems a bit more complicated than nessisary given I have pretty good processor resources on the ESP32. I would like to know this information though just in case I need it in the future.

Yes, you are correct (For ECC keys the components are different, but still a private key d and a public point Q ).

If you need the public key, in PKCS 1 format, to share with other peers, then you can use mbedtls_pk_write_pubkey_pem() on the fly, and send it to the remote peer, without storing it to flash, but this is an optimization that perhaps you may not need.

GnuPG is what I've chosen to used for this process and because you've stated that decryption steps where to opaque (I agree in this usage instance) I've also worked on that side of the problem too. Check the projects' Travis-CI build logs for what features currently work as designed and the travis.yml file for following along with the logs' output. Basically you'll need three scripts from this project; the keygen script, decryption helper script, and named pipe listener script. The keygen script & decryption helper script should be used on the device that will preform decryption and the named pipe listener script should be on the device preforming encryption.

Suppose we have a table with 1000 rows, with columns ID (number, primary key) and TXT (CLOB). We need to write a query showing all pairs of ID, let's call then ID1 and ID2, with ID1 < ID2, with identical corresponding TXT values.

So, the idea I suggested in the earlier thread (which I doubt very strongly is an original idea) is to hash the CLOB's first and compare the hashes. If the hashes are different, then we already know the CLOBs are different too, and we don't need to use DBMS_LOB.COMPARE. Of course, if the hashes are equal, we can't conclude that the CLOB's are equal, and we still need to use COMPARE.

So, adding the hash test will speed things up (we hope) when the CLOBs are distinct, and it will definitely slow them down when the CLOBs are equal. The question is, by how much. Of course, it is possible that the COMPARE function already does a hash test, or something similar, first, to save time - in which case the whole idea is going to fail miserably. Alas, as my tests show, that's not the case.

Note what I am selecting in the queries: SUM(ID2 - ID1) over the rows where the CLOBs are equal (and ID1 < ID2); this is just so that the output is a single row. The queries still need to perform all the CLOB comparisons to get the answer. Also note that I used DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH, rather than ORA_HASH; ORA_HASH does not work on CLOB.

One last thing - I didn't test on VARCHAR2 strings of length, say, greater than 3000, to see if a hash test can speed up comparisons in that case too. (Nor did I try to see if in that case, the differences being at the beginning of the string vs. at the end makes any difference for straight equality comparison.) I may add to this thread later, when I get a chance to do those tests.

According to instructions for importing keys into Electrum, Electrum needs the key in Wallet Import Format (WIF) so you'll need to convert your exported Multibit key into that format. It looks like it is easiest to start with a hexadecimal representation rather than the Base58 Multibit and others use.

By default, a probe on the I2C bus will happen at startup, even when a PoE HAT is not attached. Setting this option to 1 disables control of a PoE HAT fan through I2C (on pins ID_SD & ID_SC). If you are not intending to use a PoE HAT doing this is useful if you need to minimise boot time.

The gpio directive allows GPIO pins to be set to specific modes and values at boot time in a way that wouldpreviously have needed a custom dt-blob.bin file. Each line applies the same settings (or at least makes the samechanges) to a set of pins, either a single pin (3), a range of pins (3-4), or a comma-separated list of either (3-4,6,8).The pin set is followed by an = and one or more comma-separated attributes from this list:

For the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, the PCB technology has been changed to provide better heat dissipation and increased thermal mass. In addition, a soft temperature limit has been introduced, with the goal of maximising the time for which a device can "sprint" before reaching the hard limit at 85C. When the soft limit is reached, the clock speed is reduced from 1.4GHz to 1.2GHz, and the operating voltage is reduced slightly. This reduces the rate of temperature increase: we trade a short period at 1.4GHz for a longer period at 1.2GHz. By default, the soft limit is 60C, and this can be changed via the temp_soft_limit setting in config.txt.

These are particularly useful for defining different kernel, initramfs, and cmdline settings, as the Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi 2 require different kernels. They can also be useful to define different overclocking settings, as the Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi 2 have different default speeds. For example, to define separate initramfs images for each:

On all models except Raspberry Pi 4, HDMI output needs to be disabled in order for composite output to be enabled. HDMI output is disabled when no HDMI display is connected / detected. Set enable_tvout=0 to prevent composite being enabled when HDMI is disabled.

Setting awb_auto_is_greyworld to 1 allows libraries or applications that do not support the greyworld option internally to capture valid images and videos with NoIR cameras. It switches "auto" awb mode to use the "greyworld" algorithm. This should only be needed for NoIR cameras, or when the High Quality camera has had its IR filter removed.

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