Neda Todorović

Hi there!

I am a Visiting Scholar at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 

I previously worked at the University of British Columbia, University of Toronto and Reed College. I completed my Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Connecticut. I am from Novi Sad in Serbia. 

My research is on syntactic theory and syntax-semantics interface in Slavic languages and the languages of the Pacific Northwest Coast.

I am curious about temporal and aspectual interaction everywhere - in (superficially) tenseless languages, in various clausal complements, with (omni)present tense, etc. 

I started as a theoretical linguist but have fallen in love with conducting fieldwork. I am working on Gitksan, an endangered Tsimshianic language of northwest British Columbia. I am fascinated by the symbiosis between the two: how new empirical findings inform existing theories and how those theories lead us to greater understanding of the languages we are engaged with.