The Microsoft Intune family of products is an integrated solution for managing all of your devices. Microsoft brings together Configuration Manager and Intune, without a complex migration, and with simplified licensing. Continue to leverage your existing Configuration Manager investments, while taking advantage of the power of the Microsoft cloud at your own pace.

To be successful with Configuration Manager in a production environment, thoroughly plan and test the management features. Configuration Manager is a powerful management application, with the potential to affect every computer in your organization. When you deploy and manage Configuration Manager with careful planning and consideration of your business requirements, Configuration Manager can reduce your administrative overhead and total cost of ownership.

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would like to add my own configuration settings in Visual Studio 2010. I opened the configuration manager, created the profile I wanted and noticed that the settings are stored in the .csproj file. I would like to keep these settings local to my own box. Our source control currently checks in .csproj files and so if I checked these changes in, my entire team would be affected. Does anyone know if it's possible to create configuration settings that are local to your own dev box?

Visual Studio places settings in the user file that can be different per user without affecting the entire team's development (like whether the Show All Files button is clicked). You wouldn't check this file in, and deleting it might be an inconvenience but it won't affect the program.

Both ms_MCs_AdmPwd and ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime show as available attributes from within my system discovery settings. However, only ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime is captured and applied to the properties of the devices. ms-Mcs-AdmPwd provides the following errors in the adsysdis.log file:

I thought it would be the network access or client install accounts that I already have configured. I added both of those accounts to the group that grants LAPS read access, and both accounts can run the LAPS UI tool to view the passwords. But I still receive the same errors above after granting those accounts access...


I'm under the assumption that the site server system or network service account is what is accessing the AD attributes. Testing with NirSoft Advanced Run to run LAPS UI as these accounts is failing. I'm not sure how to grant a system account access to this, so I may be out of luck for now.

The Default Host Management Configuration feature allows AWS Systems Manager to manage your Amazon EC2 instances automatically as managed instances. A managed instance is an EC2 instance that is configured for use with Systems Manager. The benefits of managing your instances with Systems Manager include the following:

Default Host Management Configuration makes it possible to manage EC2 instances without your having to manually create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile. Instead, Default Host Management Configuration creates and applies a default IAM role to ensure that Systems Manager has permissions to manage all instances in the Region and account where it's activated.

You, as the administrator performing the tasks in this topic, must have permissions for the GetServiceSetting, ResetServiceSetting, and UpdateServiceSetting API operations. Additionally, you must have permissions for the iam:PassRole permission for the AWSSystemsManagerDefaultEC2InstanceManagementRole IAM role. The following is an example policy providing these permissions. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

Open the AWS CLI or Tools for Windows PowerShell and run one of the following commands, depending on the operating system type of your local machine, to create a service role in your account. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

The following policy demonstrates how to prevent non-administrative members in your AWS Organizations from updating your Default Host Management Configuration setting. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

The following policy demonstrates how to prevent IAM groups, roles, or users in your AWS Organizations from updating your Default Host Management Configuration setting. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information.

In the configuration manager, for each project it lists the Platform (x86, x64, etc.). Just because the project is set to a certain platform in the Configuration manager, doesn't mean the project is actually targeting that platform.

Instead, the platform selected in the configuration manager, means it will build that project according to the build settings selected for that platform. So, if (for a given project) in the configuration you have selected "Any CPU", you need to go to that project's build settings (RMB on project->Properties->Build) Choose the Platform "Any CPU" in the top drop down to see the build settings for that platform. Then, you'll notice lower down there is a "Platform target:" drop down. That is the setting that decides what platform is targeted when you build this Configuration/Platform.

Keep up to date on compliance and risk with automated configuration assessments across your platforms. Deliver security and compliance reports on a regular basis without having to manually collect data or develop and maintain scripts.

I have a Windows 7 32bit with LabView2014...I used to re-start the NI Configuration Manager service after computer start up, and my PCI-6024E daq card would can't stop the NI Configuration Manager Service...try to stop and re-start and get the Windows Services error: Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. Tried turning off McAfee, but no change, same error???

Default Host Management Configuration allows Systems Manager to manage your Amazon EC2 instancesautomatically. After you've turned on this setting, all instances using InstanceMetadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) in the AWS Region and AWS account withSSM Agent version 3.2.582.0 or later installed automatically become managedinstances. Default Host Management Configuration doesn't support Instance MetadataService Version 1. For information about transitioning to IMDSv2, see Transition to using Instance Metadata Service Version 2 in theAmazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. For information about checking theversion of the SSM Agent installed on your instance, see Checking the SSM Agent version number. Forinformation about updating the SSM Agent, see Automatically updating SSM Agent. Benefits of managedinstances include the following:

Default Host Management Configuration allows instance management without the useof instance profiles and ensures that Systems Manager has permissions to manage all instancesin the Region and account. If the permissions provided aren't sufficient for youruse case, you can also add policies to the default IAM role created by the DefaultHost Management Configuration. Alternatively, if you don't need permissions for allof the capabilities provided by the default IAM role, you can create your owncustom role and policies. Any changes made to the IAM role you choose for DefaultHost Management Configuration applies to all managed Amazon EC2 instances in the Regionand account. For more information about the policy used by Default Host ManagementConfiguration, see AWS managed policy: AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy.For more information about the Default Host Management Configuration, see Default Host Management Configuration.

You can turn on the Default Host Management Configuration from theFleet Manager console. To successfully complete this procedure using either theAWS Management Console or your preferred command line tool, you must have permissions forthe GetServiceSetting, ResetServiceSetting, and UpdateServiceSetting API operations. Additionally, you musthave permissions for the iam:PassRole permission for theAWSSystemsManagerDefaultEC2InstanceManagementRole IAMrole. The following is an example policy. Replace each exampleresource placeholder with your own information.

5 If your S3bucket is configured to use encryption, then the S3 bucket root (forexample, arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET) must be listedin the Resource section. Your user, group, or role mustbe configured with access to the root bucket.

In the first Statement element, replace eachregion placeholder with the identifier of theAWS Region this policy will be used in. For example, useus-east-2 for the US East (Ohio) Region. For a list of supportedregion values, see the Region column in Systems Manager service endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

In the second Statement element, replaceDOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET with the name of an S3bucket in your account. You will use this bucket for your Systems Manager operations.It provides permission for objects in the bucket, using"arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*" as the resource. Formore information about providing permissions for buckets or objects inbuckets, see the topic Amazon S3actions in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide and the AWSblog post IAM Policies and Bucket Policies and ACLs! Oh, My! (ControllingAccess to S3 Resources).

Using Network Configuration Manager, centrally manage your network configurations such as network switch configuration management, router management, etc. Make your network disaster-proof with improved visibility into your network infrastructure.

SQL statements for the SMS_DATABASE_NOTIFICATION_MONITOR component (smsdbmon) may deadlock in an active site with multiple SMS Providers installed. One or both of the following errors may be recorded in the smsdbmon.log file. 17dc91bb1f

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