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The RePEc plagiarism page The Regional Economist1993 - 2023From Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Is something missing from the series or not right? See the RePEc data check for the archive and series.2005, articles Oct Despite flaws, CAFTA is step in right direction pp. 3 William Poole The door is open, but banks are slow to enter insurance and investment arenas pp. 4-9 Ellen Harshman, Fred C. Yeager and Timothy J. Yeager Up, up and away: personal bankruptcies soar! pp. 10-11 Thomas Garrett and Lesli Ott The economics of charitable giving: what gives? pp. 12-13 Ruben Hernandez-Murillo and Deborah Roisman Ducks and rice are staples in Stuttgart pp. 14-15 Glen Sparks District's largest urban area slowly regains jobs lost during recession pp. 16 Elizabeth A. La Jeunesse and Christopher Wheeler Fayetteville and Hot Springs lead the recovery in employment pp. 17 Giang Ho and Anthony Pennington-Cross2005, articles Jul Do we have a saving crisis? pp. 4-9 Kevin Kliesen Cash-out refinancing: check it out carefully pp. 10-11 William Emmons The economics of smoking bans: peering through the haze pp. 12-13 Michael Pakko Oxford capitalizes on its literary past and present pp. 14-15 Stephen Greene Health-care industry pulls Memphis out of job slump pp. 16 Ruben Hernandez-Murillo and Deborah Roisman Neighboring cities show job trends that are far apart pp. 17 Thomas Garrett and Lesli Ott2005, articles Apr The real population problem: too few working, too many retired pp. 4-9 William Poole and David Wheelock So much for that merit raise: the link between wages and appearance pp. 10-11 Kristie Engemann and Michael Owyang Basel II will trickle down to community bankers, consumers pp. 12-13 William Emmons, Vahe Lskavyan and Timothy J. Yeager Charging onward: MasterCard, WingHaven fuel growth spurt for O'Fallon, Mo pp. 14-15 Laura J. Hopper Employment trends vary in three of Missouri's metro areas pp. 16 Elizabeth A. La Jeunesse and Christopher Wheeler Service industries keep employment steady in Arkansas' capital pp. 17 Anthony Pennington-Cross2005, articles Jan Keep your rsum current pp. 4-9 Kristie Engemann, Leora Friedberg and Michael Owyang What is driving oil prices? pp. 10-11 Richard Anderson and Jason J. Buol Wage gap widens, especially in cities pp. 12-13 Christopher Wheeler Frankfort, Ky., capitalizes on history, variety pp. 14-15 Glen Sparks Economists expect solid economic growth this year pp. 19 Kevin Kliesen2004, articles Oct Sam's town Laura J. Hopper Entrepreneurs in the U.S. face less red tape William Poole and Howard Wall The two faces of banking: traditional loans and deposits vs. complex brokerage and derivative services Klimentina Poposka, Mark D. Vaughan and Timothy J. Yeager Point and click, or mortar and brick? a look at internet banking in the Eighth District Ruben Hernandez-Murillo and Deborah Roisman2004, articles Jul Productivity is the gift that keeps on giving pp. 3 William Poole The housing giants in plain view pp. 4-9 William Emmons, Mark D. Vaughan and Timothy J. Yeager Fear of hell might fire up the economy pp. 10-11 Kevin Kliesen and Frank A. Schmid Light rail: boon or boondoggle? pp. 12-13 Molly D. Castelazo and Thomas Garrett Springfield, Mo.: boomtown once again pp. 14-15 Glen Sparks Waiting on the Fed pp. 19 Kevin Kliesen2004, articles Apr Pension reform is needed now pp. 3 William Poole Miscommunication shook up mortgage, bond markets pp. 4-9 Christopher Neely A jobless recovery with more people working? pp. 10-11 Kevin Kliesen and Howard Wall Tough lesson: more money doesn't help schools; accountability does pp. 12-13 Ruben Hernandez-Murillo and Deborah Roisman Well-preserved Madison looks to attract more than just tourists pp. 14 Stephen Greene The party heats up pp. 19 Kevin Kliesen2004, articles Jan. Check 21 will lead to savings of time, money pp. 3 William Poole The economy gets back on track, but once again leaves many workers behind pp. 4-9 Kevin Kliesen Bank consolidation. Regulators always have the power to pull the plug pp. 10-11 Adam Zaretsky Burger survey provides taste of international economics pp. 12-13 Michael Pakko and Patricia Pollard Unleashing its arsenal pp. 14-15 Stephen Greene Economy finally takes off pp. 19 Kevin Kliesen2003, articles Oct Credit unions make friends-but not with bankers pp. 4-9 William Emmons and Frank A. Schmid \\"Cedars\\" deposits: will they fly? pp. 10-11 Mark D. Vaughan and Timothy J. Yeager Does uncertainty about oil prices slow down the economy? pp. 12-13 Richard Anderson and Michelle T. Meisch The Collierville challenge: can this rapidly growing Memphis suburb balance growth with preservation of its small-town identity? pp. 14-15 Laura J. Hopper Recessions, expansions and black employment pp. 19 Howard Wall2003, articles Jul What should a central bank look like? pp. 4-9 William Gavin and William Poole In the rubble of disasters, politicians find economic incentives pp. 10-11 Molly D. Castelazo and Thomas Garrett Navigating the brave new world of bank liquidity pp. 12-13 Julie L. Stackhouse and Mark D. Vaughan Despite possible plant closure, Paducah hopes for an enriching future pp. 14-15 Stephen Greene Slow recovery remains puzzling pp. 19 Kevin Kliesen2003, articles Apr Marriage, motherhood and money: how do women's life decisions influence their wages? pp. 4-9 Abbigail J. Chiodo and Michael Owyang Consumer confidence surveys: do they boost forecasters' confidence? pp. 10-11 Jeremy Piger Innovation: Is the Eighth District catching up with the nation? pp. 12-13 Ruben Hernandez-Murillo Image makeover: Starkville shows there's a place for high tech in Mississippi pp. 14-15 Stephen Greene The U.S. economy: between Iraq and a hard place pp. 19 Kevin Kliesen2003, articles Jan Big government the comeback kid? pp. 4-9 Kevin Kliesen Rules vs. discretion: the wrong choice could open the floodgates pp. 10-11 Jason J. Buol and Mark D. Vaughan Monetary policy: the whole country gets the same treatment, but results vary pp. 12-13 Abbigail J. Chiodo and Michael Owyang Breaking out: Marion's success not confined to prison pp. 14-15 Stephen GreeneOn this page2005Articles Oct

Articles Jul

Articles Apr

Articles Jan

2004Articles Oct

Articles Jul

Articles Apr

Articles Jan.

2003Articles Oct

Articles Jul

Articles Apr

Articles Jan

Other years2023


 2021, volume 29


2020, volume 28

 2019, volume 27

2018, volume 26

 2017, volume 25























On this page2005Articles Oct

Articles Jul

Articles Apr

Articles Jan

2004Articles Oct

Articles Jul

Articles Apr

Articles Jan.

2003Articles Oct

Articles Jul

Articles Apr

Articles Jan

Other years2023


 2021, volume 29


2020, volume 28

 2019, volume 27

2018, volume 26

 2017, volume 25























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