

Min-Hua Ho


Department of Electronic Engineering, National Changhua University of Education,

2, Shih-Da Rd., Changhua City, Taiwan 50074

Tel: 04-7232105 ext. 8346

Fax: 04-7211283

Email: ho@cc.ncue.edu.tw


電子工程學系  國立彰化師範大學 


Professional biography sketch

        何明華目前服務於彰化師範大學電子工程學系。他於1985年取得國立交通大學控制工程學系學士學位,1989年於美國紐約雪城大學電機工程學系取得碩士學位,而後在1993年於美國德州農工大學電機工程學系獲得博士學位。他在1993至2000年之間於虎尾科技大學車輛工程學系擔任副教授, 2000年八月改赴彰化師範大學電機工程學研究所擔任教職,並於隔年轉至該校電子系服務。他在2007年升等教授一職,於2010年二月轉入電信工程研究所服務,並於2022年8月再度回到電子系。他的研究興趣著重在平面結構之微波濾波電路、雙工器與功率耦合電路的設計,平面結構包含微帶線、共面波導懸浮帶線結構、基板合成波導基板合成同軸線結構,同時也致力於平面微帶天線的設計。他截止目前共發表了十餘篇的學術期刊論文十篇的會議論文與擁有十項發明專利。

Min-Hua Ho (M'93) received a B. Sc. degree in control engineering from the National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, in 1985, an M. Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Syracuse University, Syracuse NY, in 1989, and the Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from the Texas A&M University, College Station TX, in 1993.

 He was on the faculty of the National Hu-Wei Science and Technology University, Taiwan, from 1993 to 2000, and in 2000 he joined the National Changhua University of Education in Taiwan as an Associate Professor. He was promoted to professor in 2007, and joined the faculty of the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering at the same University. Now he is with the Electronic Engineering Department. His research interests include microwave devices, antenna designs, and microwave-integrated circuits.

學歷 (Education)

Texas A&M University, College Station Texas, U.S.A.


Syracuse University, Syracuse N.Y., U.S.A.


National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan



經歷 (Experiences)

Department of Electronic Engineering, National Changhua University of Education.

國立彰化師範大學 電子工程學系 教授

Graduate Institute of Communications Engineering, National Changhua University of Education.

國立彰化師範大學 電信工程研究所 教授

Electronic Engineering Department, National Changhua University of Education.

國立彰化師大 電子工程學系 教授


Electronic Engineering Department, National Changhua University of Education.

國立彰化師大 電子工程學系 副教授

Vehicle Engineering Department, National Formosa University.

國立虎尾科技大學 車輛工程學系 副教授


獲得獎項 (Awards)