2020 Fall

Nov. 13 NCL practice talks, 12:10pm, Location: HC401

  • 童湘瑀 (Illa) "The effect of socio-indexical information on the perception of sibilants in Taiwan Mandarin"

  • 林奎宏 (Kuei-hong) "Cue-weighting in the perception of Taiwan Mandarin nasal codas"

  • 周昀潔 (Iris) "Phonetic accommodation during spontaneous imitation by sibilant mergers in Taiwan Mandarin"

  • 呂奕廷 (Yi-Ting) "The Effect of orthography in French VOT production by Mandarin Speakers"

Nov. 27 Sheng-Fu Wang (Ph.D, NYU) , 12:10pm, Location: HC401

"What sounds do human languages use? Exploratory typological analysis with PHOIBLE".

Dec. 4 Shu-hao Shih (NTU) , 12:10pm, Location: HC401

"Non-moraic vowels in European Portuguese vowel reduction"

Abstract: The goal of this talk is to argue that there are non-moraic vowels involved in European Portuguese vowel reduction. From my experiment, I show that non-moraic vowels are extremely short and frequently deleted. A major consequence of this finding is that vowel reduction is not purely sonority reduction – a claim that is contrary to much recent work (e.g. Crosswhite 1999, 2000).

Dec. 18 Chiu-yu Tseng (Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica), 12:10pm, Location: HB201

"Boundaries, Contrast and Differentiation in Continuous Speech"