Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logics

The third international conference

Modalities and predicates have since ancient times been central notions of logic. In the 20th century, various systems of non-classical logics emerged, with applications mainly in Computer Science, but also in many other disciplines such as Linguistics, Mathematics, and Philosophy. Both the theoretical studies and the needs of applications gave rise to the questions of non-classical treatment of quantification and modalities and their accommodation in these non-classical logics. In response, various modal and predicate variants of non-classical logics have been introduced and studied in the past decades.

Although there are many good conferences on (mainly propositional) non-classical logics, this conference is one solely dedicated to modal and predicate non-classical logics. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers in both pure and applied aspects of various branches of non-classical logics, not only to present recent advances in their particular fields, but mainly foster the exchange of ideas between researchers focusing on (1) separate branches of non-classical logic and (2) foundational and applied issues.

The third edition, after two editions in Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (Canton), China, will be held in Bochum, Germany, from November 23-November 26, 2021.

[UPDATES on 31.08.21] The conference is now planned in a hybrid format, allowing online presentation/participation. Note also that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is extended by two weeks, and there will be no conference fee.

[UPDATES on 15.10.21] Full versions of selected papers will be published in a special issue of Logic Journal of the IGPL after an open call for papers.