Introduction to Medical Image Analysis

Course Content

Now more than ever, biomedical images become crucial in many biomedical and diagnostic applications. Gaining that specialized knowledge demands a course like “Introduction to Medical Image Analysis” which introduces the fundamental of computerized medical image analysis and medical imaging. This course is composed of two parts, lectures and seminars. In the lecture part, we will give 8 lectures based on the textbook authored by Atam Dhawan. The lecture topics which are listed in the timetable cover medical imaging modalities, image reconstruction, computerized image processing, visualization, and recent breakthroughs in medical imaging analysis. In the seminar part, one or two papers will be assigned to each participating student who will present and discuss the paper in the course hours. One program assignment will also be a part of the course work. After spending six lectures on analyzing medical images, the assignment will help the students to gain some real experiences in handling medical images.

Course timetable

  • Lecture 1, Chap 1, Introduction
  • Lecture 2, Chap’s 2,3,4, Image modalities & Image Formation
  • Lecture 3, Chap 5,6, Image Reconstruction & Enhancement
  • Lecture 4, Chap 7, 9, 10, Image Representation, Registration & Visualization
  • Lecture 5, Chap 11, Recent Developments in MIA
  • Lecture 6~14, Paper presentation & Discussion


  • A.P. Dhawan, Medical Image Analysis, IEEE Press, Wiley-Interscience, 2004.

Reference books

  • M. Sonka, V. Hlavac, and R. Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Thomson Learning, USA, 2008.
  • R.C Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rded., Prentice Hall, 2007.
  • K.K. Shung, M.B. Smith, and B.M.W. tsui, Principles of Medical Imaging, Academic Press, Inc., 1992.
  • G. Lohmann, Volumetric Image Analysis, Wiley and Teubner, 1998.
  • Papers from well-known international journals.

Grading policy



  • VC程式教學 [rar]
  • 作業 [rar]
  • Demo時間表 [rar] NEW
  • ※請同學前來Demo時務必記得將報告印出!
  • 上傳期限 6/10 23:59:59 Demo時間 6/13下午
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  • 分組成員與負責文章 [pdf] 文章可由圖書館中之電子期刊內下載
  • 小組報告於5/2開始進行,每週2組報告,報告順序以文章邊號為主。


  • 公告
    • 助教資訊: 郭振鵬