3 July 2024

NCG Symposium 2024

at Delft University of Technology

The annual symposium of the Netherlands Center for Geodesy and Geo-Informatics


The NCG symposium is free of charge and intended for all researchers and students of Dutch universities, academies, companies, government agencies and institutes that are active in the field of geodesy, geo-informatics, earth observation, and geo-information.

We currently have 44 high-quality abstracts and presentations ,  and are expecting more than 120 registered participants. 

(While official registration is closed, we have plenty of space, and you are welcome to attend. Non-registered participants will need to organize lunch at the restaurant of the Faculty)

The presenters

Recent and ongoing research is presented by active researchers in the field, including doctoral students and postdocs, with the aim to facilitate the exchange and discussion about research results and activities in the themes geodesy, geo-informatics, earth observation, and geo-information. 

Special events

The annual Baarda lecture, named in honour of prof. W. Baarda, will be given by prof. Rudiger Haas from Chalmers University in Sweden. 

Prof. Haas is a professor in Space Geodesy and an expert in Geodetic VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry)

VLBI is a space-geodetic technique that enables us to estimate the motions of the solid Earth, both the Earth as a whole in space, as well as local, regional, and global displacements of the Earth’s surface. For more information about VLBI see this link and this link. In the Netherlands, the Westerbork radio telescopes are used for VLBI. Professor Haas will talk about the status and future of the technology and its applications.

For more information about prof. Baarda, see "Professor Willem Baarda" in Survey Review, or  "The Delft School of Geodesy", by M. Molenaar

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) background:

The biennial prof. J.M. Tienstra Research prize, named in honor of prof. Tienstra, will be awarded by the chair of the jury, prof. Peter Teunissen, to a nominated candidate who has carried out exemplary geodetic research in the Netherlands or to a Dutch scientist who has done so abroad.  The laureate will give a plenary key note lecture.

The Venue

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Stevinweg 1, Delft

The symposium will take place in Halls A, B, C, D, E of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.


Preliminary Program

Abstract submission is closed