( The early ForumIAS classroom, picture taken at 5AM, with temporary halogen lights and earthen flooring. We used to sprinkle water at 6AM, so that people could write Tests at 7AM without having too much dust around them. It was a disaster)

I started preparing for the exam in 2015 (4th year of college). Gave the 1st attempt in 2016, graduated fresh just out of college and few days after I had relocated myself to Bangalore for a job at Qualcomm.

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In the mean-time, I shifted my job location from Bangalore to Noida (I thought I could study more being at home). But after a few months, I thought of going full-throttle and took a calculated risk of resigning from the job in March 2018.

That year I joined the 1st ever batch of SFG program and the Current Affairs classes of FORUMIAS. I toiled, toiled hard to remain in SFG and not slip back to RLG (reserve list). We used to attempt papers in the open-park, the under-construction building, at 7AM in the chilling winters!

I had too many questions to solve for the 2nd iteration with less than 20 minutes left. In panic, I attempted 97 questions out of 100, without thinking too much and literally making wild guesses. I scored 90.

In my previous attempts, I used to directly study just the yearly compilations for prelims. But this time I made up mind to at least read and revise prelims specific news DAILY as well. Monthlies also came up for the first time. And when the time was up for pre-only mode (mid-March), I also picked up yearly compilations.

{Tip: I made a whatsapp group of which I was the sole-member :p (you may google it). I used to keep all screenshots/stuff you require and TAG them for future revision purpose. Ensure regular revisions.}

I did not join any Test Series for prelims. Gave many open-tests (vision, forum, etc.). Bought test-papers from the Market and solved them at home. I had already solved SFG Test papers and was thorough with the basic book reading.

Primary reason was interest. I tried to read a few books, watch crash-course philosophy playlist, other youtube videos, etc. to see whether I like it or not.

Later, I researched about the PYQs, the strategies of toppers, guidance-availability, etc to make sure that it is a viable optional.

Answer Writing is the Core of Mains. My style of Answer writing has been contextual. I try to change it with the demand of the question. An objective style question which can have several dimensions/arguments needs Point-format or diagrams.

Case studies, data, facts, figures, pie-charts, graphs, diagrams, were used extensively. But I try to refrain from mindless making of diagrams. Use diagrams only when it helps you express it in lesser words/ lesser time/lesser space.

Structuring is not only about Intro, Body and Conclusion. But it is much more detailed. We need to understand that multiple points in the Body part can be clubbed together to make a single dimension (a Bucket as I always say).

#3 AtmaSanyam: Or Self-restraint,i.e. the ability to know when to stop collecting material/resources and start studying them. Revision of whatever you have collected is more crucial than collecting more and more data. Otherwise, everything will just go in vain.

Yes, notes were mostly offline. Most of my notes were not consolidated into single-pages notes. I tried to consolidate a few themes which I thought were most relevant and were fragmented here and there. For eg. Electoral reforms, Globalisation and its impacts, Climate change, etc.

I think that to clear this exam, there are a few things that are necessary. One is the ability to absorb things one reads, listens etc. Second is the ability to express. And third is patience and dedication, as it may take more time than you may think at first.

Here we are providing Class 11 Political Science Important Extra Questions and Answers Chapter 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution. Political Science Class 11 Important Questions with Answers are the best resource for students which helps in class 11 board exams.

Question 1.

What is the need for political philosophy for Constitutions?


The constitution is not only a framework of government but also an instrument of socio-economic transformation for which it needs direction and that direction is provided by political philosophy. It is because of this we need a political philosophy for every Constitution. It is the political philosophy that shows the- path and helps the society and government to set the objective and values.

Question 2.

What is the significance of political philosophy for a Constitution?


The political philosophy to the constitution is needed not only to find out the moral content expressed in it and to evaluate its claims but possibly to use it to arbitrate between varying interpretations of many core values in our polity. Every Constitution of the world has philosophic content and base to move society in the desired direction.

Question 3.

Discuss the Constitution as an arbitrator?


Constitutions are the product of the theory of constitutionalism which stands for the check arbitrariness of ruler and it facilitates the rule of .reason and rational deliberations. It is widely accepted that our reason for having constitutions is the need to restrict the exercise of irrational and arbitrary power.

Question 4.

Discuss the Constitution as a mean of the transformation of society


Constitutions provide peaceful, democratic means to bring about social and economic transformation. It has philosophic backing which sets the direction and objectives of the society.

Question 6.

Was the Constituent Assembly a sovereign body?


In a technical sense, the Constituent Assembly was not sovereign because it was set up as per terms and conditions set by the British Government and Constitution will be approved by the British Government before the implementation. But we can say it a Constituent Assembly which was represented only by Indians and there was no kind of interference of the British Government. It was adopted and implemented on behalf of the people of India.

Question 7.

What is the preamble of the Indian Constitution?


The preamble of the Constitution is the introductory part of the constitution which includes the terms of Government, social, economic, and religious system. It also includes the philosophy of the constitution and values and direction and objectives of the Constitution.

Question 8.

What is Liberalism?


Liberalism is one of the main philosophic content of the Indian Constitution. It seeks to liberate the Indian society from the shackles of social and economic backwardness and to take in the area of freedom, equality, and justice.

Question 10.

What do you mean by Liberalism?


Liberalism means openers and decisions by rational thinking, discussions, and debates. The liberalism of the Indian constitution differs from western liberalism in many ways. Indian liberalism seeks to achieve the goal of social justice for Indian society through the provision to achieve Fundamental Rights of equality and liberty and by the reservation of seats.

Question 11.

What is a federation?


Since Indian society is a plural one, therefore it needs federal polity and economy. Federation stands for decentralization. India is a multilingual federation. All the major linguistic groups are politically recognized and all are treated as equals. A Federation is a group of equal units with decentralized powers.

Question 12.

What is Secularism?


Secularism is important philosophic and idealistic content of Indian society and polity. It is a positive concept which does not stand on the complete separation of state and religion. It allows the state for positive intervention in religious matters.

Question 13.

What is national integration?


National integration is both philosophies as well as the objectives of the Indian Constitution which are mentioned in the Indian Constitution. It is been the fundamental duty of every citizen of India to protect and deferred the national integration and not to harm it in any way. National integration means emotional, psychological, and intellectual unification of people of India and not allow, caste, color, sex and status, and region in its way.

Question 14.

What do you mean by individually and Dignity?


Individual freedom and dignity of men are two important values of the Indian Constitution .which are based on Liberal Political Philosophy. Indian Constitution is committed to the individual freedom and dignity of men which are mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution. It is the result of continuous intellectual discussion and debate. The dignity of man means respect for human personality and human feelings. The state must be responsive to the needs of the people. It is for this that freedom of expression is an integral part of the Constitution.

Question 1.

What do you mean by the philosophy of the Constitution?


The constitution is not merely an aggregation of rules, regulations, and laws. The constitution is not only a legal document but also has a moral and philosophic base and contents. Most of the laws are connected with the customs and values of society. Every Constitution is value ridden which provides the philosophy base to the Constitution. Philosophy provides the moral vision of the constitution. An attempt is made to work out a coherent vision of society and polity conditional upon an interpretation of the key concepts of the Constitution. Philosophy of the Constitution includes the set of ideas embedded in the Constitution. Political philosophy is needed not only to find out the moral content expressed in it and to evaluate its claims but possibly to use it to calibrate between varying interpretations of the many core values of our polity. 152ee80cbc

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