In Part 1 of the video, Dr. Krisztina Domjan shared her experiences and advice on using AI in education and recommended some useful AI tools for EMI classrooms.

Dr. Domjan discussed the future development of AI in education and offered us some encouraging words in the Part 2 video!👏

🔎 Key Takeaways for Educators:

1. Advance AI Literacy: It's crucial to keep up with AI advancements and use AI tools carefully in the classroom.

2. Collaborate with Students: Work together with students to evaluate AI tools. Allow them to express their opinions and decide whether to use them or not.🗣️💭

💡 Embrace AI in Teaching:

• Don’t Fear AI: Embrace AI as a helpful tool in education. Learn with it and from it.⭐

• Future AI Tools: More AI tools will be developed for various teaching purposes, enabling educators to personalize and specialize their teaching methods.

🧑‍🏫 Final Advice from Dr. Domjan:

• Set Clear Boundaries: Establish clear guidelines for using AI tools and discuss them openly in class so students understand their role in learning.

• Promote Openness: Everyone should be transparent about the use of AI tools. Share the experiences and encourage others to learn and teach about AI, creating a collaborative learning environment.

We sincerely appreciate Dr. Krisztina Domjan for sharing her valuable expertise and advice in AI education!

#AIEducation #aitools  #AiLiteracy


Welcome back to the EMI video series 🙌

In today's video, we invited Dr. Krisztina Domjan to share her experience and advice on using AI in education! 💡

In Part 1 of this video, Dr. Krisztina Domjan recommended some helpful AI tools for EMI classrooms:

✍️ "Wordtune" and "QuillBot" for writing assistance

🧠 "Claude AI" for idea generation and brainstorming

Dr. Domjan also shared tips for teachers on how to effectively incorporate these AI tools into their teaching and classrooms. 🧑‍🏫🏫

Watch the video now to learn about the applications of these AI tools and teaching strategies! 👀⬇️

Part 2 is coming soon! Keep following us to learn more! 🔎

#aitools #teachingwithai #aieducation


🎉We are honored to invite Mr. Graham Oliver from the National Taiwan University Academic Writing Education Center to answer common questions about writing. ✨👏

In the video, Mr. Graham Oliver shared his advice on overcoming writing obstacles and recommended some websites and tools to enhance writing skills. ✍️📚

Mr. Graham emphasized a few key points💡:

1️⃣ It’s okay to have a bad first draft.

2️⃣ Start early to give yourself enough time to edit and revise your work.

3️⃣ Having someone else read your draft can provide unexpected feedback.

Make writing enjoyable and start practicing now! 📝🙌

#WritingTips #WritingTools



這次我們很榮幸邀請到政大東南亞語文學系的泰國助理教授Chawarote Valyamedhi✨。教授專門講授泰語和語言文化理解課程🇹🇭📚。




#國立政治大學英語教學資源中心 #nccuemi #政大東南亞語文學系 #語言學習 #文化交流


EMI 的第二支訪問影片來囉!🎉


這次我們很榮幸再訪問到政大創新國際學院(ICI NCCU)的 #呂欣澤助理教授 

呂教授為我們分享自己過去在 #屏東大學國際學院碩士班 任教期間,開啟了EMI的教學旅程,而現在政大ICI任教期間,也持續對於EMI教學抱有熱忱。

政大ICI也在上學期邀請到EMI客座教授 Pr.Joshua Smith,並給予呂教授許多教授上的寶貴建議,包含:


本次一樣是由中心的跨域 廣告系同學 拍攝,接下來會持續發布 EMI 相關的系列影片上架,請持續關注我們的專頁和官方網站,才不會錯過這些精彩內容喔!


📢EMI 第三支影片來囉!👏

這次我們很榮幸邀請到政大國家發展研究所的蘇昱璇副教授 🎉!蘇教授這學期開設了兩門英語授課的課程,分別是 Applied Microeconomics 和 Poverty and Inequality in Era of Urbanization。蘇教授自2014 年開始教授 EMI 課程,憑藉十年豐富的經驗,向我們分享了在教學 EMI 課程上的挑戰與小訣竅🤓

🌟EMI 教學小訣竅:

1️⃣ 重述學生的回答,確認學生所說的內容

2️⃣ 課前先指派作業讓學生準備,減輕在課堂上的壓力

蘇教授在影片後半段也分享了在 EMI 課程教學中的難忘時刻,以及未來發展和目標💡🙌

這次的影片是由中心的跨域廣告系同學拍攝。接下來也會有更多 EMI 教師相關系列影片上架,請持續關注我們的專頁和官方網站,才不會錯過這些精彩內容喔!


🎉EMI 的首支影片出爐啦!🎉

這次我們很榮幸邀請到資訊管理學系 #林怡伶副教授 為我們介紹 EMI 的定義,和分享自己七年來在 EMI 教學上的經驗談。除了教授程式語言和程式設計外,林教授目前也致力於商學院的英語教學課程,希望能促進台灣學生與國際學生之間的合作

這次的影片是由中心的跨域 廣告系同學 拍攝,接下來也會有更多 EMI 教師培訓相關的系列影片上架,請持續關注我們的專頁和官方網站,才不會錯過這些精彩內容喔!
