Saved by the Bell

Hi there, welcome back to our language and culture series!

🔔Did you know the phrase "saved by the bell" has a fascinating origin dating back to the 19th century? Back then, people had a genuine fear of being buried alive due to mistaken pronouncements of death. To tackle this chilling possibility, safety coffins with bells attached to a string inside were invented! If someone woke up after being buried, they could ring the bell and hopefully signal for help. 🛎️ This ingenious invention gave birth to the expression "saved by the bell," signifying a rescue from a dire situation at the eleventh hour! 

The following sentences are the examples for using this short phrase:

Sure! Here are some example sentences using the phrase "saved by the bell":

1. "I forgot to study for my exam, but luckily the fire alarm went off just as the test started, so I was saved by the bell."

2. "I was running late for the meeting, but then my phone died, and I couldn't find my keys. Finally, I found them in my jacket pocket just in time - saved by the bell!"

3. "I almost missed my flight, but the airline announced a delay just as I reached the gate. I was definitely saved by the bell!"

4. "I was struggling to finish my project before the deadline, but then the power went out in the building, giving me an extra hour to work. Talk about being saved by the bell!"

5. "I was about to slip and fall on the ice, but my friend grabbed my arm and steadied me - saved by the bell!"

⏰ Next time you finish a task just in time, like completing a report before the deadline, you can proudly exclaim, "I was saved by the bell!" 🤣