Etymology (1)

Welcome back to our Language and Culture Series! 

There is a fascinating English fact about the origins of English words: Many words in English can be traced back to ancient languages such as Latin, Greek, and French, which is known as “etymology.”  In this sub-series, different roots in etymology will be provided and thus you can realize the origins and stories behind these words. 👨‍🏫

To illustrate, the root "bene" comes from Latin, meaning "well." For example, “benefit” is a good result or effect. This Latin root can be heard in other languages as well: “Good!” or “Fine!” in Spanish is “Bueno!”; in French, it's “Bon!”; and in Italian, just say “Bene!”

🌟Some example words related to the same root are as follows:

From this moment, stay tuned and embark on a thrilling ride through the enchanting world of words and cultures that etymology brings to us!

Reference: Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder