Dining Etiquette Around the World

Hola everyone! Welcome back to the Language and Culture Series! ⭐️

Let's talk about something important today: respecting food customs around the world. It's crucial to be mindful of how you eat when exploring different cultures. Your usual habits might not fit everywhere, and they could unintentionally offend locals.

⚠️ Italy Tip: No Cheese with Seafood ❌🦞🧀

When in Italy, avoid asking for cheese on your seafood pasta or any other seafood dish. Locals find it impolite because they believe cheese and seafood clash in flavors.

⚠️ Chile Reminder: Use Utensils 🍴

In Chile, it's considered bad manners to eat with your hands, even with sandwiches, French fries, or pizza. Remember to use a knife and fork and avoid touching the table with your hands.

⚠️ Egypt and Portugal Tip: Don’t Ask for Salt and Pepper 🫢🧂

In Egypt and Portugal, asking for salt and pepper is seen as impolite, suggesting the dish isn't seasoned well. So, embrace the flavors presented to you and savor every bite as it is meant to be enjoyed.

Let's show respect and appreciation for different food customs as we explore the world's cuisines together! 🌍🍽️

#LanguageAndCulture #FoodEtiquette