The Past and Present of Midas Touch

【Humanities Series📚】

In today’s Humanities Series, we will continue to discuss interesting Greek Mythology and the English term that is derived from the story. The story we are viewing today is about Midas and his wish!

📖One day, the god of wine Dionysus’s companion Silenus was drunk and wandering in the mountain. This drunken old man was caught by some farmers in the mountain and taken to Midas, the king of Phrygia’s palace. Recognizing Silenus, Midas warmly welcomed him and let him stay in his palace for ten days. To thank Midas’ hospitality, Dionysus decided to fulfill Midas’ wish of being able to turn everything he touched into gold. At first, his magical ability seems to bring him endless fortune. However, right at the time he was gloating over his new ability, he started to notice the inconvenience it brought to. He was unable to eat properly since all the food he touched turned into gold. Worse still, he accidentally touched his daughter and turned her into a golden statue. Miserable Midas begged Dionysus to take his ability back. The god then led him to the Pactolus River and let the stream wash away his nightmare.

📒Although the story of Midas is an allegory that warns us from being greedy, the phrase “Midas touch” derives from the story has a positive meaning. If someone is described as having the “Midas touch”, it means that he or she can make money easily and is financially successful in everything they do.


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