Cross that bridge when one comes to it

【Growth in Words✨】


Welcome to 【Growth in Words✨】! In this series, we will introduce the origin, history, usage of words, and so forth. Most importantly, it is not just about language 🔠; we will explore more insights and inspiration that words can bring us. So, let’s start our journey and grow together. 🙌🏻 And don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below! 💭


🌉 Idiom:

Cross that bridge when one comes to it


💡 Meaning:

This idiom encourages a practical way to cope with future problems or challenges. It advises not to worry excessively about potential issues that may arise, instead addressing them when they actually occur. It emphasizes living in the present and not allowing concerns about the future to overwhelm us. 💪🏻☘️


🔍 Origin:

The origin of this idiom dates back to the early 20th century, possibly from the idea of crossing a bridge when you reach it during a journey. It reflects a mindset of dealing with problems as they arise, rather than occupying ourselves with hypothetical scenarios.


🛤️ Example:

Imagine you are a university student feeling anxious under the pressures of academic and social life. When your friend asks about your situation, you might say, "Let's cross that bridge when we come to it." This shows that you recognize your predicament but have decided to focus on addressing the challenges as they arise rather than worrying excessively. Concentrating on tackling the present challenges will help erase stress and better prepare you for future ones.


In our lives, we often encounter uncertainties and challenges that can cause anxiety or stress. However, adopting the attitude of "crossing that bridge when one comes to it" reminds us to focus on the present moment and deal with problems as they arise. By maintaining a practical mindset and avoiding worry about the future, we can navigate life's journey with clarity, resourcefulness, and confidence. 🌟🌈

