History of Filmmaking: Part I - The Early Years 

【🎥 EMI X Communication】

History of Filmmaking: Part I - The Early Years

Welcome to the EMI X Communication series! In this series, we will explore the fascinating history of filmmaking, from the inception of motion pictures to their evolution into today's multi-billion-dollar film industry. Now, let’s start from the very beginning and delve into the early history of filmmaking.

🎬 The Birth of Moving Image

In 1878, British American photographer Eadweard Muybridge was commissioned to take pictures of a horse to see if a running horse lifts all four hooves off the ground at once. 🐎 Muybridge soon discovered that by projecting these pictures in quick succession, the images become motion. This work entitled “The Horse In Motion” is widely considered to be the first motion picture ever made. 🎞️ It was deemed a groundbreaking discovery at that time, and caught the attention of inventors around the world. 

🎬 The Invention of Kinetoscope

In 1891, the Edison Company successfully demonstrated a prototype of the Kinetoscope, allowing one person at a time to view moving pictures. 👀 The first public Kinetoscope demonstration took place in 1893, and achieved commercial success globally. 📽️

🎬 First Public Movie Screening

The first to present projected moving pictures to a paying audience was the Lumière Brothers in 1895 in Paris, France. The 50-second film is entitled “Arrival of a Train.” 🚂 Allegedly, when the film was first shown, the audience was so overwhelmed by the moving image of a life-sized train coming directly at them that people screamed and ran to the back of the room. 🏃‍♀️🏃 Though this is thought to be a myth, it illustrates how astonishing the experience was for the public at the time.




