打破EMI迷思 Unveiling EMI: Dissolving Misconceptions and Addressing Challenges


教師方面,由李婉甄老師為我們介紹,到底什麼是EMI?從淵源、定義、到目前臺大如何透過規劃教師增能的工作坊(EMI Plus),協助老師讓教學事半功倍,也積極成立教師社群與舉辦成果交流會,協助老師們找到一起打拼的夥伴!




On the delightful morning of March 4 (Monday), after enduring several days of continuous gloomy rain, the sun finally emerged! The Center for Teaching and Learning Development (CTLD), the NCCU EMI Resource Center, and the Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office (BMO) were privileged to welcome two EMI experts from National Taiwan University EMI Teaching and Learning Center (NTU EMI TLC). They graciously shared their experiences in implementing and planning their EMI project.

Professor Wan-Chen Lee offered an insightful introduction to the essence of EMI, encompassing its origins, definitions, and how NTU strengthens teacher capabilities through workshops like "EMI Plus." This initiative aims to empower teachers to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching. Additionally, NTU EMI TLC proactively fosters teacher communities and arranges sharing sessions, facilitating collaboration by connecting educators with potential partners.

Dr. Chao-Chi Lin provided an overview of the structured training for EMI TAs, which involves a combination of online courses and on-site practical exercises aimed at improving teaching abilities.. Additionally, the NTU EMI TLC organizes engaging competitions such as writing camp and 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis Competition) to enhance the EMI courses.

The shared insights today were truly fascinating! Let us support and accompany each other on this journey, growing and progressing together!

(Check this post on our FB and IG!)


活動日期: 2024/03/04()




講者姓名:李婉甄 Wan-Chen Lee, ScD 

講者現職:環境與職業健康科學研究所-副教授 Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

臺灣大學EMI教學資源中心組長 Assistant Director, EMI Teaching and Learning Center 

講者姓名:林肇基 Chao-Chi Lin, PhD 

講者現職:臺灣大學EMI教學資源中心博士後研究員 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, EMI Teaching and Learning Center 

Date : March 4th, 2024 (Mon)
Time : 10:00-12:00
Venue : NCCU Computer Center, Auditorium



協辦單位: 國立政治大學 雙語及多元文化推動辦公室



講座主題:打破EMI迷思 Unveiling EMI: Dissolving Misconceptions and Addressing Challenges