Invited Talks: Towards a quantitative study of translation mismatches: A linguistic approach applied to French-Chinese 面向翻譯不匹配的定量研究:應用於法譯漢的語言學方法 ( 本次活動以中英文進行 )

政大英語教學資源中心及雙語及多元文化推動辦公室,透過國家科學委員會計畫經費補助,於 3 月 18 日(一)共同主辦國際演講活動,邀請日本築波大學 Rafaël Poiret博士於政大達賢圖書館會議廳內進行中英演講,講題為「面向翻譯不匹配的定量研究:應用於法譯漢的語言學方法」。本次演講中,講者針對法漢翻譯的實用方面,以語言學的角度出發,分享法語和中文轉換之間的不對稱現象,並就其翻譯時語序不同時的進行研究探討。翻譯領域中「不匹配」一詞指的是翻譯過程中,翻譯的結果無法透過逐字翻譯的語序及語意完全配對呈現。講者提及,目前較常見的法語翻譯成漢語翻譯文學文本通常是透過英語為媒介語居多,而目前於翻譯領域中對於研究法語與漢語互譯不匹配的現象的標記及計量方法較少,加上講者目的為建置一個語料庫系統,期能透過此系統檢視翻譯不匹配的現象。透過演講者Poiret博士翻譯不對稱的定量研究介紹及例子討論,可以見得人工標記在AI翻譯的時代也持續受到關注。


次演講為語言學界及翻譯學領域提供了深入研究法語與漢語翻譯不匹配語言標記的新視角,並且由政大英語教學資源中心榮幸地邀請法國 Aix-Marseille Université 研究員 Laurent Prévot 教授擔任與談者。Prévot 教授目前為台灣法國現代中國研究中心(CNRS) 訪問學者。在此活動中,針對Poiret博士的研究提供講評,同時分享此類翻譯語言學研究之語料呈現、資料標記及建構方法與現今計算語言學界的發展之連結,把演講主題帶到國際發展的層次討論其重要性。最後政大英語教學資源中心鍾曉芳主任分享,語言資源建構都是一個艱辛的歷程,儘管過程需耗時,其結果對於學術發展有其一定的重要性。本次活動不僅提供年輕學者與資深學者分享研究的機會、亦提供政大法語教學的教授及其他外語教學的師生積極參與討論,是個難得的學術交流活動。

感謝Rafaël Poiret 博士的分享以及 Laurent Prévot教授的與談,擴展了我們對於語言學和翻譯領域的認識,也為未來相關研究提供了有價值的指引和啟發,帶來一場豐富而深入的學術交流,期待未來能夠看到更多研究成果,並透過更多學術交流活動,不斷拓展我們對語言學和翻譯領域的瞭解與認識。


The EMI Resource Center and the Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office at National Chengchi University, with sponsored funding by the National Science and Technology Council, jointly hosted an international talk on March 18th, featuring Dr. Rafaël Poiret, titled "Towards a Quantitative Study of Translation Mismatches: A Linguistic Approach Applied to French-Chinese." The event took place in the Meeting Hall of the beautiful Dah Hsian Seetoo Library on the NCCU campus.

During the lecture, Dr. Poiret delved into the practical aspects of French-Chinese translation from a linguistic perspective, shedding light on linguistic discrepancies between French and Chinese translations, particularly focusing on the quantitative research methodology regarding syntactic misalignment during translation. The term “mismatch” in the translation field refers to discrepancies between translations and their source texts, which sometimes do not adhere to literal correspondences. The speaker mentioned that currently, it is more common for literary texts translated from French to Chinese to go through English as an intermediary language. Moreover, there is relatively little research in the translation field on marking and quantifying the phenomena of mismatch between French and Chinese translations. Additionally, the speaker's goal is to establish a corpus system to examine the phenomenon of translation mismatch through this system. Through Dr. Poiret's quantitative research and discussions on translation asymmetry, it can be seen that manual annotation continues to be of interest in the era of AI translation.

In addition to discussing the mismatch phenomena in French-Chinese translation, Dr. Poiret demonstrated how to model translation mismatches for application in French-Chinese translation corpora. To establish a multi-level functional corpus, researchers performed various operations, including text tokenization, semi-automatic annotation of surface syntax trees, alignment, and annotation of deep syntactic rewrites. These efforts aimed to enhance understanding of translation mismatches and facilitate quantitative analysis using statistical methods.

Dr. Poiret concluded the lecture by summarizing the new findings and future research directions, emphasizing the necessity of formal classification and annotation of translation mismatches. He also highlighted the importance of using multi-level syntactic annotation corpora. Future research will further explore the frequency and characteristics of translation mismatches.

This lecture provided a new perspective on the study of translation mismatches in French-Chinese translation, contributing to both the linguistic and translation fields. The EMI Resource Center had the honor of inviting Professor Laurent Prévot, a researcher from Aix-Marseille Université in France, to be the commentator. Professor Prévot is currently a visiting scholar at the Taiwan Center for French Modern China Studies (CNRS).

During the event, Professor Prévot provided commentary on Dr. Poiret's research, sharing insights into the presentation of such translation linguistic research, data annotation, and construction methods, as well as connecting them to the current developments in computational linguistics. This discussion elevated the lecture topic to an international level, emphasizing its significance in academic development. EMI Resource Center Director, Professor Siaw-Fong Chung concluded that constructing language resources is a challenging process that takes time, but the results are crucial for academic advancement. 

This event not only provided an opportunity for young scholars and seasoned researchers to share their research but also encouraged active participation from professors and students in French and other foreign language teaching at National Chengchi University, making it a valuable academic exchange activity.

We extend our gratitude to Dr. Rafaël Poiret and Dr. Laurent Prévot for their insightful contributions, expanding our understanding of linguistics and translation and guiding future research endeavors. We look forward to witnessing more research outcomes and engaging in further academic exchanges to deepen our knowledge in the fields of linguistics and translation.

(Check this post on our FB and IG!)

Rafaël Poiret graduated from the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Paris, France) in Chinese studies and computational linguistics, and obtained his PhD in linguistics at Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China). After a postdoctoral training at the City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR), he is now working as Assistant Professor at the University of Tsukuba(Tsukuba, Japan)since 2021. His research concerns contrastive linguistics, French and Chinese descriptive and contrastive linguistics, corpus linguistics. 


National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)|國家科學及技術委員會

【Co-Organizer|合辦單位 】

The EMI Resource Center, National Chengchi University |國立政治大學英語教學資源中心

The Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office, National Chengchi University|國立政治大學雙語及多元文化推動辦公室


活動日期: 2024/03/18()




講者姓名:Dr. Rafaël Poiret 

講者現職:日本筑波大學 助理教授

Date : March 18th, 2024 (Mon)
Time : 15:30-17:00
Venue : Conference Room 814, Dah Hsian Seetoo Library 8F, NCCU 


Translation mismatches have been primarily explored in translation studies and machine translation. However, they play a significant role in general linguistics, especially within the Meaning-Text Theory framework (Mel'čuk 1988). In this presentation, I will demonstrate how the modeling of translation mismatches in the MTT is applied to a French-Chinese translation corpus and discuss how this phenomenon can be more accurately quantified using corpus linguistics methodology.