📢 New Program 【Fundamentals of EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques】

📍 Date: August 5 to September 30, 2024, every Monday (8 weeks in total)

📍 Location: The event will be held online and a Webex link will be sent to you before the event.

📍 Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Taiwan Time)

📍 Organization: NCCU EMI Resource Center, AIT

Come and be a part of the captivating 2024 Fundamentals of EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques organized by the EMI Resource Center at National Chengchi University!  🤓🙌🏻

The program focuses on EMI Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques. Spanning over eight weeks, the workshop starts on August 5 and ends on September 30, 2024. Learn with us every Monday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Taiwan Time). Participants who complete the designated courses will receive a training certificate provided by AIT. *There are five compulsory courses and three elective courses (choose one).

This course begins with an introduction to EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction), covering its background, definitions, and student learning needs. Next, we focus on evaluating learning by emphasizing clear student learning outcomes and assessment development. We then explore lecturing and interactivity in an EMI classroom, guiding you to adapt materials and use effective questioning techniques to interact with your students. Finally, we will conduct two microteaching sessions where participants present demo lessons, receive peer feedback, and practice EMI skills under expert guidance. 👩🏻‍🏫💡

We are pleased to invite Dr. Carolyn Chiung-Yao Ho as our instructor. Dr. Ho holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a Professor and Founding Faculty member of the ESOL program at Lone Star College-CyFair in Cypress, Texas. Dr. Ho has also served as a Fulbright Scholar in TEFL training and as an English Language Specialist, where she has coached and mentored K-16 instructors in bilingual and multilingual educational settings. Her recent professional experience includes consulting for National Sun-Yat Sen University and National Kaohsiung Normal University in Taiwan, focusing on strategic goals for bilingual education and enhancing teacher-training programs in EMI/CLIL instruction and STEM+A.

We encourage you to seize this opportunity to enhance your professional growth and network with peers and EMI specialists. We look forward to your participation! ✨

#nccuemi #emipedagogy #teachingtechniques #emiteaching #tesol 

活動日期: 2024/08/05(一) - 2024/09/30(一) 




本課程將全面且深入地介紹 EMI(以英語作為教學語言)教學方法和技巧。課程為期八週,從2024年8月5日至9月30日,每週一上午10:00 至12:00(台灣時間)。完成指定課程者即可獲得由AIT提供的培訓證書。*共有五堂必修課及三選一堂選修課。


本中心榮幸邀請到何瓊瑤博士擔任本課程的授課老師。何博士擁有德州大學奧斯汀分校的高等教育管理博士學位,現任德州賽普勒斯 Lone Star College-CyFair 「以英語為其他語言的學習者」(ESOL)計畫的教授和創始教員。何博士也曾擔任 Fulbright 的 TEFL 學者和英語語言專家,為雙語和多語教育環境中的 K-16 教師提供指導和輔導。近期,她也在臺灣的國立中山大學和國立高雄師範大學擔任顧問,專注於雙語教育的戰略目標、增強 EMI/CLIL 教學和 STEM+A 教師培訓計劃。


#nccuemi #emipedagogy #teachingtechniques #emiteaching #tesol