Reimagining English in Higher Education:  

Challenging Linguistic Hegemony with Global Englishes 


講者介紹 | Speaker Information

Dr. Nicola Galloway


Senior Lecturer and Programme Director for the MSc/Med TESOL and

Publications Lead for The School of Education, University of Glasgow

Abstract | 講題摘要

講者Dr. Nicola Galloway 將探討EMI(英語為教學語言)在全球特別是「南方」(如泰國和越南)高等教育政策中的快速擴展。她的研究重點擺在如何透過英語應對新自由主義的議題。透過調查 17 所大學的師生,包括問卷、訪談和焦點小組,Dr. Galloway 發現EMI 政策的面臨多重挑戰,尤其是英語作為「把關者」在公平性和可及性方面帶來的問題。此外,她批判式地分析西方教育理念對 EMI 的影響,認為這加強了語言上的殖民權力結構,並邊緣化在地知識。Dr. Galloway 提出的全球英語(Global Englishes)框架是一種實現更公平、去殖民化的教育模式,試圖在國際化的過程中推動語言正義,讓各種語言和知識體系得到平等的對待和尊重。

講者: Dr. Nicola Galloway(英國格拉斯哥大學教育學院TESOL碩士/教育課程主任)

日期: 12/14(六)

時間: 10:00AM - 14:30PM

地點: 國立政治大學行政大樓七樓第一會議室 Conference Room 1, 7F, Administration Building

與談人介紹 | Panelists Information 

Topic: Communication Strategies in EMI Classrooms


This presentation will provide an overview of communication strategies in EMI classrooms for instructors and students of higher education. The contents to be addressed include: to be a good speaker, the taxonomy of communication strategies, oral communication strategy inventory, important issues on communication strategies, processes involved in learning to communicate, and negotiation in EMI classrooms.


鄧教授本場將介紹 EMI 教學環境中的溝通策略,內容包括溝通策略的分類及應用、學生如何在 EMI 環境中有效溝通等。

Huei-Chun Teng

Professor and Chair of the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST

PhD, University of Minnesota

Topic: English in flux: The role of English as a lingua franca in EMI settings in Taiwan’s higher education


This presentation explores the evolving role of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in English Medium Instruction (EMI) settings in Taiwan’s higher education. It draws on findings from interviews with university teachers and students and examines the impact of professional development for EMI instructors. Using Dafouz and Smit’s ROADMAPPING framework (2016, 2020) and Rose and Galloway’s GELT framework (2019), the role of English is identified as a pivotal dimension that both shapes and is shaped by EMI practices. The discussion highlights three key dimensions regarding the role of English in EMI: Contextual dimensions (e.g., internationalization, glocalization, and academic disciplines); implementational dimensions (e.g., language practices and management); ideological dimensions (e.g., target interlocutors, English ownership, cultural representation, norms, and the role of the first language and culture). Although the standard English ideology, which favors native-English models, persists and continues to influence EMI practices in Taiwan’s higher education, actual EMI practices reflect ELF in use, challenging conventional perspectives and reshaping language ideologies. In essence, EMI, driven by global trends yet adapted to local educational contexts, serves as a sociolinguistic site where the role of English is continuously redefined.


林副教授的講題將聚焦於英語作為國際語(English as a Lingua Franca, ELF)在台灣 EMI 環境中的角色,分析本地教師和學生的觀點,並探討英語如何在 EMI 教學中重新被定義。

Han-Yi Lin

Associate Professor of the Department of English and Deputy Dean of CHASS, NTUT

Ph.D., English Language and Linguistics from the University of Sheffield, UK

Topic: English in flux: The role of English as a lingua franca in EMI settings in Taiwan's higher education

Agenda | 講座流程 

09:30-10:00 | 報到


10:00-10:10 | 開幕式

10:10-11:40 | 專題演講:Dr. Nicola Galloway

11:40-12:10 | 問答討論

12:10-13:00 | 午餐休息


13:00-13:30 | 講座一:鄧慧君教授

13:30-14:00 | 講座二:林含怡副教授


14:00-14:30 | 綜合座談:Dr. Nicola Galloway、鄧慧君教授、林含怡副教授


這次活動不僅是一次學術交流,更是一個重新思考「英語國際化」的機會。透過全球英語的視角,我們將共同探索 EMI 背後的語言意識形態與政策影響,尋找一條能平衡本土文化、知識與全球化趨勢的教育之路。

主辦單位 | Organizer

國立政治大學英語教學資源中心| EMI Resource Center, NCCU





電話: 02-29393091 分機 60326

辦單位 | Co-organizer

國立政治大學雙語及多元文化推動辦公室 |Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office, NCCU



國立政治大學外文中心|Foreign Language Center, NCCU


辦單位 | Co-organizer

國立政治大學英國語文學系|Department of English, NCCU
