Planting Seeds or Going to Battle? Metaphor and Gender in Business Discourse
Kathleen Ahrens is a Professor in the Department of English and Communication and a member of the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has served as the Chair of the Executive Board for the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (’18-’22), as the former President of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities (’18-’19), and is currently a member of the International Advisory Board for the Metaphor Lab Amsterdam. She served as the Director of the HKBU International Writers’ Workshop from 2012-2017, was the Programme Director for International Poetry Nights Hong Kong in 2013, and was an Advisory Board member and International Regional Advisor Chairperson for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (’08-’20). Professor Ahrens is a member of the Editorial Boards of Lingua (Elsevier), Metaphor and the Social World (Benjamins), Journal of Pragmatics (Elsevier) and Lingua Sinica (Sciendo). She is also a member of the Editorial Board for the book series Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Communication (Benjamins). Professor Ahrens has recent papers in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, Intercultural Pragmatics, PLoS One, Journal of Pragmatics, Metaphor & Symbol, and Applied Linguistics and she has had two recent Lingua papers selected as Editor’s Choice articles. She has also edited one academic volume: Politics, Language and Conceptual Metaphors (Palgrave Macmillan). During her research career, she has gained over US$1million dollars in competitive research funding and published extensively on issues relating to critical metaphor analysis. She takes an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of metaphor, running behavioural crowd-sourcing, neuro-imaging, and reaction times studies, as well as analysing metaphor use through corpus-based and ontological-based approaches.
【主辦單位】國立政治大學英語教學資源中心 【協辦單位】台灣語言學學會
【Organizer】EMI Resource Center, NCCU 【Co-organizer】Linguistic Society of Taiwan
承辦單位:EMI Resource Center
聯絡人:陳宜彣 0229393091分機60326
#研究話語與溝通工作坊 #英語與其他語言中的概念表徵 #EMI溝通
【Time】21st of February (Friday) 10:00-12:10
【Location】The Conference Room 5, 7th Floor, Administration Building, NCCU
講者:Kathleen Ahrens 教授
Speaker: Professor Kathleen Ahrens
Current position: Professor in the Department of English and Communication at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Kathleen Ahrens 教授現任香港理工大學英語及傳播學系(Department of English and Communication, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)教授,並為該校英語專業傳播研究中心(Research Centre for Professional Communication in English)成員。她曾擔任隱喻研究與應用協會(Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor, RaAM)(2018-2022)執行委員會主席、香港人文科學院(Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities)(2018-2019)主席,現為阿姆斯特丹隱喻實驗室國際諮詢委員會(International Advisory Board for the Metaphor Lab Amsterdam)成員。Ahrens教授曾擔任香港浸會大學國際作家工作坊(International Writers’ Workshop, HKBU)主任(2012-2017)、2013年香港國際詩歌之夜(International Poetry Nights Hong Kong)節目總監,並在兒童圖書作家與插畫家協會(Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, SCBWI)擔任國際地區顧問主席(2008-2020)。她同時擔任多個國際學術期刊的編委,包括《Lingua》、《Metaphor and the Social World》、《Journal of Pragmatics》和《Lingua Sinica》,並參與 John Benjamins 出版社的學術叢書 Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Communication 編委。Ahrens 教授近期在《Language, Cognition and Neuroscience》、《Intercultural Pragmatics》、《PLoS One》、《Journal of Pragmatics》、《Metaphor & Symbol》和《Applied Linguistics》發表多篇論文,並出版專著 Politics, Language and Conceptual Metaphors(Palgrave Macmillan)。在她的研究生涯中,她獲得超過100萬美元的研究資金,並在批判性隱喻分析相關議題上發表了大量的研究論文。她採取跨學科的方法來研究隱喻,進行了行為群眾外包、神經影像學以及反應時間研究,並通過語料庫方法和本體論方法分析隱喻的使用。
In contemporary news and social media discourse, women encounter metaphorical barriers, such as glass ceilings and, more recently, glass cliffs, which impede their advancement and retention in professional positions within the corporate sector. This raises an important inquiry: do everyday metaphors grounded in the WAR or PLANT conceptual domains also carry gendered connotations? This presentation aims to investigate this question by referencing recent studies that utilize ontological frameworks and collocational analysis to explore the application of these source domains (Ahrens & Jiang, 2020; Ahrens et al., 2024). Furthermore, I will analyze the metaphorical strategies employed by women in political spheres, with an emphasis on how these gendered metaphorical expectations influence their positioning within various leadership contexts.
當代新聞與社群媒體的語境中,女性經常面臨許多隱喻式的障礙,例如「玻璃天花板」(glass ceiling)和近年提出的「玻璃懸崖」(glass cliff),這些隱喻不僅形塑了女性在業界的晉升與留任困境,也反映出深層的社會現象。這引發了一個重要問題:我們日常語言中源於「戰爭」(WAR)或「播種」(PLANT)等概念隱喻,是否同樣蘊含性別意義?本演講將探討這一命題,並參考近期研究成果,透過本體論框架(ontological frameworks)與搭配詞分析(collocational analysis)來檢視這些隱喻在語言中的使用情況(Ahrens & Jiang, 2020; Ahrens et al., 2024)。此外,講者將深入剖析女性在政治領域中如何運用隱喻策略,並探討這些性別化隱喻如何影響女性在不同領導環境中的定位與發展。
10:00-10:10 開場:鍾曉芳主任
10:10-10:50 主題演講:Kathleen Ahrens 教授
10:50-11:00 問答時間
11:00-11:20 與談一:段人鳯副教授
11:20-11:40 與談二:賴瑶鍈助理教授
11:40-12:10 綜合討論
10:00-10:10 Opening:Professor Siaw-Fong Chung
10:10-10:50 Keynote Speech: Professor Kathleen Ahrens
10:50-11:00 Q&A Section
11:00-11:20 Session 1: Associate Professor Ren-Feng Duann
11:20-11:40 Session 2: Assistant Professor Yao-Ying Lai
11:40-12:10 Discussion
國立臺東大學通識教育中心 段人鳯 副教授:「校正回歸」的隱喻與翻譯
國立政治大學語言學研究所助理教授 賴瑶鍈 助理教授:“Hidden” Meaning in Sentences: Conceptual Representations and Real-time Processing
Ren-Feng Duann(Associate Professor at Center for General Education, National Taitung University):Metaphors and Translations of ‘校正回歸.’
Yao-Ying Lai(Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of Linguistics, NCCU):“Hidden” Meaning in Sentences: Conceptual Representations and Real-time Processing