Building Bridges: Successful Industry Collaborations and Joint Teaching Projects in Higher Education


About Prof. Klaus Lang

Professor Dr. Klaus Lang serves as the Managing Director of the Institute for Digital Transformation and is the Dean of Studies at the Department of Information Management at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). With a doctorate in business informatics, he combines academic expertise with extensive practical experience as a management consultant, specializing in corporate strategy, IT strategy, and AI Transformation. Professor Lang has made significant contributions to the field of digital transformation, particularly through his publications on digital maturity and innovation. He has established the AI Innovation Circle, a collaborative network of 30 companies addressing challenges in digital transformation and fostering AI-driven solutions. As Dean of Studies, Professor Lang is deeply engaged in enhancing the quality of education and examinations through the integration of AI, reflecting his commitment to innovative and effective learning practices. His leadership and expertise continue to shape the academic and business landscapes, emphasizing the critical role of digital transformation in today’s dynamic environment. 

【主辦單位】 國立政治大學英語教學資源中心 【協辦單位】 國立政治大學國際合作事務處 【Organizer】 NCCU EMI Resource Center 【Co-Organizer】 NCCU Office of International Cooperation

承辦單位:EMI Resource Center   

聯絡人:陳宜彣 0229393091分機60326






#產學合作講座 #國際學者 




【Time】2025.02.25, 12:30-14:00 PM 

【Location】Conference Room 2, 7th Floor, Administration Building, NCCU


講者:Klaus Lang 教授 


Speaker: Professor Klaus Lang

Current position: Managing Director of the Institute for Digital Transformation and Dean of Studies of the Department of Information Management at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Klaus Lang 教授目前擔任新烏姆應用科技大學(HNU)數位轉型研究所所長及資訊管理學院教務長。他擁有企業資訊學博士學位,並曾任管理顧問,擅長將學術知識與實務經驗相結合,專精於企業策略、IT策略及人工智慧轉型領域。Klaus Lang 教授在數位轉型領域作出了重要貢獻,尤其在數位發展與創新方面。他創立了人工智慧創新圓環(AI Innovation Circle),該圓環由30家公司組成,旨在應對數位轉型中的挑戰並推動AI驅動的解決方案。此外,作為系主任,Klaus Lang 教授致力於提升教育質量和考試方式,通過整合AI技術,實現創新且有效的學習模式,展現了他對創新教學方法的承諾。他的領導力與專業知識持續影響學術和商業領域,強調數位轉型在當今動態環境中的關鍵影響。 



In this presentation, I will explore the successful integration of industry collaborations into higher education through joint teaching projects. Focusing on practical examples from my own experience, I will showcase how students work alongside industry representatives to tackle real-world challenges. These projects offer valuable learning opportunities by blending academic theory with hands-on experience, benefiting both students and companies. I will highlight the structure, benefits, and outcomes of these collaborations, emphasizing their role in preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce.