課程介紹|Course Introduction
還在煩惱該怎麼選課嗎?想學習英文寫作或雙語溝通技巧,卻不知從何著手?EMI教學資源中心 吳承翰老師將於【113學年度第二學期】開設的三門精彩課程!不僅課程內容紮實,涵蓋寫作與溝通的多重訓練,吳老師生動有趣的教學方式更讓學生們寓教於樂。課堂中強調互動與合作,尤其是進階英文寫作,同儕之間將進行作文互評與建議交流,這有助於學生在英語寫作上進行深入思考與技巧改善。無論你是想精進學術能力,還是提升日常溝通技能,這三門課程都將是你最佳的選擇!
Still struggling with course selection? Want to improve your English writing or bilingual communication skills but don’t know where to start? The EMI Resource Center is proud to announce three exciting courses taught by Professor Cheng-han Wu in the second semester of the 113 academic year! These courses not only feature comprehensive and robust content focusing on writing and communication skills but are also designed to make learning enjoyable. Student interaction and collaboration is the main feature in Professor Wu’s class.
In particular, Advanced English Writing includes peer review sessions, where students exchange feedback and suggestions on their writing, fostering deeper reflection and significant improvement in their writing skills. Whether your goal is to enhance academic proficiency or boost your daily communication skills, these three courses are your perfect choice!
想深入探討科技與人類社會的議題嗎? 楊健威老師的課程聚焦科技對教育、工作模式及法律的影響,並結合AI在語言學習中的應用與經典科幻作品的討論 ,深入反思人類對科技的依賴及其帶來的社會變革。楊老師的課程不僅培養學生的批判性思考、英語閱讀與寫作能力 ,還探索AI助力寫作的實用性,這將是不可錯過的精彩課程!
Want to explore the relationship between technology and human society? In Dr. William Chien-wei Yang's course, we will focus on the impact of technology on education, work practices, and legal concepts, as well as the application of AI in language learning and classic science fiction works . This course critically reflects on humanity's dependence on technology and the social transformations it brings.
Dr. Yang’s course enhances students' critical thinking, English reading, and writing skills while also exploring the practical use of AI in writing. It is an engaging course you won’t want to miss!
As the 113-1 Fall Semester comes to an end, so does another successful round of EMI courses at the Center! 🎉👏
In the Bilingual Communication Skills class, Dr. Cheng-han Wu asked students to tackle current issues for their final presentations. Drawing on themes explored in lectures and discussions, students looked into topics such as self-identity, the role of the English language, celebrity culture, and the relationship between tradition and modernity.🤓 These presentations demonstrated not only their deep insights, but also their great ability to engage with everyday life through meaningful communication. 💬🗣️
Still deciding on your courses for the 113-2 Spring Semester? 🤔 Check out Dr. Cheng-han Wu's Bilingual Communication Skills class! Watch the video for a sneak peek! It might just light up your path to better communication skills! 💡🙌