The EMI Resource Center, National Chengchi University Rules and Regulations on Writing Consultation
Consultation Guidelines|諮詢要點
國立政治大學英語教學資源中心提供多方面的英語寫作協助,包括:課堂論文、學術論文、 期刊、研討會報告、履歷/求職信、檢定考試等學術英語寫作相關之服務。英語教學資源中心 致力於提供詳細的寫作指導(不含英語寫作校對等服務),以增強國立政治大學學生之英語 寫作能力。
本中心鼓勵學生可以透過預約中心所開放的寫作諮詢時段來進行英語寫作諮詢。中心的寫 作諮詢助教皆具備豐富的知識及多方面的經驗,能在寫作過程中引導學生,帶領其進行不 同階段的英語寫作活動,例如:腦力激盪、修改,以及協助定稿。
此外,本中心寫作諮詢助教也提供政大英語寫作資源工具(Writefull)的使用指導,授課教師 可申請助教進班介紹如何使用該工具,諮詢學生也能利用預約中心開放之時段(預約連結中的「預約項目」,可下拉點選)預約學習該工具的使用方式;諮詢寫作時,助教亦會使用該 工具以利學生增進其英語寫作技巧。
The EMI Resource Center provides assistance with various aspects of English writing, including course essays, thesis/ dissertation writing/ proposals, journal articles, conference papers, cover letters, resumes, writing for local or international exams, and other forms of academic-related writing. Our center guides you through detailed instructions to enhance your writing skills, though please note that we do not offer proofreading services.
Students are encouraged to schedule appointments to present their written work to our center. Each of our professional writing tutors has extensive experience in guiding you through various writing stages, including brainstorming, revision, and crafting the final draft of your work.
In addition, the writing consulting teaching assistants in our center also provide guidance on the use of NCTU’s English writing resource tool, Writefull. Teachers can apply for teaching assistants to introduce how to use the tool in class. Consulting students can also make an appointment during the opening hours of our center (in the “appointment options" section in our link) to learn how to use this tool; during the consultation, the teaching assistant will also use this tool to help students improve their English writing skills.
☑️本中心的寫作諮詢助教將會以以下細則進行寫作指導|The instruction guidelines: Our writing tutors can assist you with the following aspects:
● 改進寫作論點
● 改善寫作架構
● 加強寫作銜接度及連貫性
● 吻合跨領域寫作規範需求
● 符合不同領域寫作語言使用
● 結合跨領域相關資源及參考資料(如:Writefull)
● 提升總體英文學術寫作及相關能力
Strengthening arguments
Improving structure
Enhancing coherence and cohesion
Adhering to academic register
Ensuring proper language usage
Incorporating sources and citations
Providing writing resources (E.g., Writefull)
🚫However, please note that our tutors do not:|但不包含以下相關服務:
● 直接或間接幫助學生修改英文寫作文章
● 直接或間接提供學生翻譯等相關服務
● 直接或間接幫助學生重寫英文寫作文章
● 直接或間接要求學生修改英文寫作文章
Perform editing services
Provide translation services
Rewrite the paper on behalf of the student
Tell the student what to write
1. 諮詢地點:國立政治大學英語教學資源中心(國立政治大學行政大樓8樓)
2. 諮詢資格:【限現就讀國立政治大學之學生】
3. 諮詢時間:
4. 諮詢時段:以【30分鐘】為基準
5. 諮詢次數:每位學生【以一週諮詢一次】為限
6. 諮詢人數限制:學生可以個人或團體形式進行寫作諮詢預約。若以團體形式進行預 約,諮詢文件以一篇英文文章為限,且該文件須獲得每一位作者的同意,方可向本中 心申請寫作諮詢。
7. 預約諮詢時間:請學生於【諮詢時段前三天進行寫作諮詢預約】,並在【預約時一併上傳諮詢相關之英文文件】。
8. 諮詢時段取消:若需要取消預約時段,請於預約時段一天前取消。若未能在一天前取消,並未在預約時段出現者,則以違規一點註記。
9. 若未在預約時段出現者,則依照以下要點註記:
10. 預約寫作諮詢之學生務必在諮詢前10分鐘抵達,並攜帶政大學生證以便助教進行身 分審核。若學生於預約時段遲到10分鐘(含),則將被取消諮詢資格,並以違規一點註 記。
詳細資訊、預約狀況及日程表等資訊可以到NCCU EMI Resource Center網站(查看。
Location: The EMI Resource Center (8th Floor of the Administrative Building)
Eligibility: Current NCCU students
Available tutors and reservations:
Length of each consultation session: approximately 30 minutes
Number of appointments: one appointment per week for each student
Number of participants: Students can make appointments on an individual or a group basis. For the latter, only one piece of writing shall be reviewed in each appointed consultation session, and personal information of all participants shall be included during the reservation process.
Scheduling time: Appointments should be made three days before the consultation session. You may check out our consultation sessions online to secure an appointment.
Cancellation Policy: Should you need to cancel your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, please do so no less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Any cancellations made on the day of the meeting will result in one violation point being recorded.
Please arrive 10 minutes earlier before your scheduled appointment time, and present your NCCU student card to the consultant for verification. Your appointment will be canceled once you are 10 minutes late.
No-show: Failure to cancel an appointment within the designated time frame will result in the suspension of reservation rights for the coming appointments.
One no-show: Reservation rights suspended for two months More than two no-shows: Reservation rights suspended for one semester
The center reserves the right to modify schedules and policies if necessary.
在諮詢期間,學生需要自主紀錄助教建議之寫作要點。中心的寫作諮詢助教不會主 動更改、修正或重寫學生的諮詢文件。
除非獲得學生同意,否則學生上傳之相關文件皆會由中心保密,並確保不會外流或 作為其他使用。該文件僅用於學生諮詢時段之寫作諮詢。
During the reservation, you are expected to attach at most one piece of your writing with less than 1,500 words, along with any inquiries, concerns and/or topics for discussion. If you fail to attach your draft, it will result in the cancellation of your appointment.
During the consultation session, the consultant will follow the instruction guidelines to assist you in enhancing your English writing skills. Assistance other than the instruction guidelines will not be provided. Please check out the instruction guidelines before making an appointment.
During the consultation, it is your responsibility to duly record any improvements that may be suggested by the tutor. Consultants may not monitor your changes, or insert comments for you.
Any writing submitted shall not be disclosed to any third parties in any form, and is only used within the consultation session(s) in the EMI Resource Center, unless under your consent.
國立政治大學英語教學中心(以下簡稱本中心)收集學生諮詢英文文件,這些文件將被視為 智慧財產,受到相關智慧財產權法律的保護。本中心僅在學生同意的情況下使用這些文件, 用於寫作諮詢的目的,不會將其用於其他用途,也不會外流給第三方。
本中心尊重學生的智慧財產權,並致力於保護學生的隱私及資料安全。如有任何疑問或需 進一步了解之事項,請隨時與本中心聯繫。
國立政治大學英語教學中心 敬上
The EMI Resource Center of National Chengchi University (hereinafter referred to as "the Center") is an educational unit. The English documents collected for student consultation are protected intellectual property, and their use within the Center for writing consultation is subject to the consent of the intellectual property owner (the student). They will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to external parties.
English Teaching Center
National Chengchi University