
Neeraj Baghel

Research Fellow

Computer Vision and Biometrics Lab

IIIT Allahabad

Address: 5322, CC3, IIIT-A, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.



Neeraj Baghel is a distinguished Research Scholar at  CVBL, IIIT-A. He has extensive experience in the field of computer vision. He has served as a JRF at  IIIT-SriCity over the DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory Chennai, where he developed a CV algorithm for transforming NT2DT images. Neeraj has also worked as a JRF at the CAS, where he developed an intelligent stethoscope for early cardiac and pulmonary disease detection, focusing on biomedical applications. He has a keen research interest in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Image and Video Processing, and their applications. Neeraj has authored or co-authored several research papers, reviewed for reputed international journals and conferences, and filed a patent for his invention.

Technical Skills:

-Programming Language: Python, C#, .Net, MYSQL.

-IDE: Pycharm, Anaconda, Matlab, Visual Studio.

-Library: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch and OpenCV.

Research: Super-Resolution, Intelligent Stethoscope, Image Transformation, Video Summarization.

Resources: Datasets,  IEEE Resources, SCIE Journals, Etc.


J1) Automatic Diagnosis of Multi-Cardiovascular Diseases from PCG Signals using DCNN, CMPB (2020) [Q1-SCI-7.027].

J2) ALSDNET: Automatic Lungs Sound Diagnosis Network from Pulmonary Signals” NCAA (2021) [Q1-SCI-5.606].

J3) 1D-FHRNet: Automatic Diagnosis of Fetal Acidosis from FHR Signals”, BSPC (2022). [Q2-SCI-5.076].

P1) Automatic Detection of Lungs Disease using ML from Respiratory Sound” IP:202011009043, Published.

1) IEEE Member 95164636 (2018 - Present), ACM Member 4485113.

2) Chairperson for IEEE-SB, IIIT-A | SAC-Member for IEEE-UP.

3) Reviewer for Journals (such as Nature,  IEEE TCSVT, NCAA) and Conferences (such as CVMI, UPCON).

4) Coordinator/Expert lectures for Workshops (such as ADASIVA, AI research Group CAS, DST, TEQUIP).

5) Participated/Volunteer Conferences (such as TSP, IWOBI, ISEC, UPCON, IC3A, PARC, CVMI).

6) Participated/Volunteer Workshops (such as IP Awareness, ADASIVA, IEEE SPS, NVIDIA, and WADLA).


1) Awarded prices at the university level from (AKTU, IIIT-A).

2) Awarded Fellowships (such as MHRD-JRF, DRDO-JRF, DST-JRF).

Research work

Developed Intelligent Stethoscope for Early Medical Diagnosis of Heart, Lung and Prenatal Health