After upgrading my samsung to Android 10, I notice this with the navigation bar too. It is now translucent and there is no way to make it default (solid white, similar to other apps like gmail, gmaps). Here is a sample :

Why isn't there an option to swap the "back" and "recent" soft keys? I'm right handed, as most people, and the back button is on the left. So it's hard to use the phone with one hand. A lot of people are complaining about this and it's an easy feature to build/enable, so why isn't this option available?

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To help users navigate the device with soft keys in any screen orientation, Fire OS 5 shows the Android navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. For information about the specifications for the navigation bar, see UX Specifications. The navigation bar does not have customization.

The navigation bar is always accessible to the user because Fire tablets do not have hardware-based keys for system functions. Therefore, make sure that the user interface for your app is not obscured by the navigation bar or status bar. For information about screen layout, see Screen Layout and Resolution.

The Search button on the soft key bar has a default behavior of displaying the device-level search interface. Optionally, your app can provide a customized search experience by overriding the onSearchRequested() method in your Activity. For information about adding a custom search interface, including managing a SearchView from the action bar, see Creating a Search Interface in the Android documentation.

The issue is when trying to click an element at the bottom of the screen, instead of clicking on an expected element, the softkeys suddenly appeared and received a click. So I just want to disable those soft keys menu while running the automation to avoid unwanted test failures. Is there any workaround to solve this in Appium?

I just tried the following ABD command only, for enabling the navigation bar. But no luck again, the click is not happening on the expected element at the bottom. Can you take a look into the below github link and let me know what he was tried to solve this issue.

My goal is to be able to do simple IFR flights using only my button box and joystick. But this is impossible to manipulate the g1000 soft keys without using the mouse. The main button I would like to see is the CDI button which would allow me to switch CDI source from GPS to NAV radios using a key bind instead of clicking on it with my mouse.

Flying with mouse is not practical nor immersive. Modern hotas, button boxes and custom USB keyboards offer endless possibilities to control the aircraft but we need existing slots for binding keys/buttons/switches/encoders/rotary dials.

My Xperia X Compact recently updated to Android 8.0 (Oreo). With Nougat, the soft keys/black bar navigation would auto hide until I swiped down from the top of the screen. This allowed for me to see all of my already small screen. It was a great feature! But with this latest update, the soft keys/black bar at the bottom of the screen are now always there.

I can't revert back to Nougat, but I sure would if I could. Can someone please tell the developers to (at the very least) give us an OPTION whether or not we'd like to have the black bar/soft keys persistent at the bottom of the screen?

Definitely this is the best solution available know to hide the navigation bar (black Bar/Soft Keys) after updating the OS to Oreo 8.0 on my xperia xa1, I was about to decide on the root, but this option is superior. Thank you very much for the advice.

Also available is the ability to reorder your soft keys as you see fit, as well as add a custom theme to them. All the changes and themes you apply will be displayed in a preview located at the bottom of the application's display, but you'll need to reboot your device to apply them.

However, I see switching between source and live preview frequently to facilitate navigation to be undesirable. It puts more burden on the user to adapt to the tool instead of the tool to adapt to the user.

As a long time software developer, I prefer keyboard interactions to mouse/tap interactions enormously. I should have reported these bugs sooner but instead I waited until they were contributing non-trivially to my stress level.

When you turn on the screen, the soft buttons will appear on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. The Navigation bar helps you to navigate your Galaxy device, whether you prefer the classic style or customize the layout and button order, or even make it disappear entirely and use gestures to navigate your phone instead.

The Line Keys indicate the status of your lines and associated activity. The backlighting informs you when a line is idle, ringing, in use, on hold, or disconnected altogether. The T33G phone has 3 line keys, while the fourth key acts as a pagination button to switch between 4 pages of programmable line keys. The T31P phone has 2 programmable line keys.

The Soft keys perform the functions that appear directly above them on the display. Their functions are context-sensitive, which means that the soft keys change depending on your current activity. For example, if you are conferencing, the soft keys display functions related to the conference function.

By pressing left or right, up or down, you can scroll through the options and lists on the display using the Navigation Arrows. To select an item, press the button in the center of the four-way Navigation Arrows or the checkmark button. To cancel or back up to a previous screen, press the X button below the down navigation arrow. These keys also function as a fast way to navigate to many functions, such as placed calls, received calls, and directory contacts.

You can view your recent Call History and place calls from your Call History lists by pressing the History soft key on the home screen. You can also access the call history list by pressing the up navigation arrow to view call lists for all, missed, placed, received, and forwarded calls.

However, frankly speaking, dogusumit, its developer, has long been recommending the Soft Keys 2 more to its users as it is enhanced as well as offers further customizable settings. For instance, the position of the navigation bar here can be seamlessly moved in any part of your screen whether up, down, left, or right. Extra icon themes are available for you to freely choose from.

Soft Keys is a sufficient alternative for the broken navigation bar of your smartphone or tablet. This way you can optionally utilize the keys flashed on your screen in order to effectively operate some tasks on your device. If you value your disk space over additional personalization settings then, this small program will satisfy you already. Otherwise, Soft Keys 2 is more suitable for you to install.

In execution, Floating Soft Keys does exactly what that descriptive name suggests. Once installed, the app places the standard Back, Home and Menu keys above whatever content is displayed on-screen. A fourth button lets users drag the entire thing around so as to give maximum flexibility.

If you have multiple numbers saved for your contact or if you want to view more information about the contact, you can do this by pressing the Select key on your navigation pad. In this Contact Detail view, you will see all the numbers associated with this contact so you can select which number you wish to call.

First of all for those who do not know what soft keys are, some devices do not have any hardware buttons below the screen but have on-screen virtual buttons. These soft keys were first introduced in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich devices.

Some mobiles will have only two capacitive buttons viz, back and menu. Some mobiles may have three capacitive buttons viz, back, home and app switch or; back, home and menu. So modify the file accordingly and dont mess with other parts of the code or else you will end up damaging your phone software.

The functions for the soft-key buttons appear directly above them on the display. Their functions are context-sensitive, which means the function of the soft-keys changes depending on your current activity. For example, if you are conferencing, the soft-keys display functions related to the conference function.

By pressing left or right, up or down, you can scroll through the options and lists on the display. To select an item, press the OK button in the center of the four-way navigation arrows. To cancel or back up to a previous screen, press the cancel (X) button below the down navigation arrow.

I make a screen with a button to go back to the main screen, perfect.

But, users can directly leave the app with buttons down the app (you know the navigation bar).

I want to block it (the navigatation bar) just for one screen.

. It disables only the back pressed for all screens but possibly you can still use it in you intended Project. You can use other methods to close your app. It does not disable all the navigation soft keys on the phone/tablet.

These are the soft keys or the navigation bar that appears at the bottom of the screen that has the same functions as the buttons in most phones that are used to go back, to home and view recent apps:

Controls whether to change the Default Input Method (i.e. a soft keyboard) when that change is requested programmatically or manually by the device user. Setting a particular Input Method as the Default Input Method does not prevent the device user from manually selecting a different Input Method, it merely determines which Input Method will come up automatically each time that parm is invoked. When changing the Current Locale, it may desirable to also change the Default Input Method to one that is suitable for entry of characters that are associated with the selected Locale.

Allows the selection of the Default Input Method (i.e. the soft keyboard). If the selected Input Method is not already enabled, this parameter will first enable it and then set it as the new default. The desired Input Method must have been previously installed and must be specified using its Android Package Name and Class Name. 17dc91bb1f

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