Naveen Gondhi / Welcome to my homepage
Research Interests: Behavioral Finance, Information Economics, Real effects of markets, Macro Finance.
Naveen Gondhi is an Associate Professor of Finance at INSEAD. He is also a member of Finance Theory Group and Macro Finance Society.
He holds a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras and a PhD in Finance from Kellogg School of Management.
Published and Working papers
When transparency improves, must prices reflect fundamentals better? (with Snehal Banerjee and Jesse Davis),
The Review of Financial Studies, 31.6 (2018): 2377-2414.
The Review of Financial Studies 34.9 (2021): 4269-4322.
Choosing to Disagree: Endogenous Dismissiveness and Overconfidence in Financial Markets (with Snehal Banerjee and Jesse Davis) — — Slides
The Journal of Finance Volume 79, Issue 2 p. 1635-1695
The Review of Financial Studies Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 1584–1639
Best paper award at ISB Summer Research conference
The Journal of Monetary Economics Volume 136, 2023, Pages 50-75.
Cubist Systematic Strategies award at WFA
Motivated beliefs in Coordination games with Snehal Banerjee and Jesse Davis --Slides
Revise & Resubmit The Journal of Political Economy
Incentivizing effort and informing investment: the dual role of stock prices with Snehal Banerjee and Jesse Davis
Revise & Resubmit The Review of Financial Studies
Revise & Resubmit Management Science
Recent conference discussions
Identifying price informativeness, Eduardo Davila and Cecilia Parlatorre
Investment under Up- and Downstream Uncertainty, Fotis Grigoris and Gill Segal
Uncertainty and Contracting in Organizations, David Dicks and Paolo Fulgheiri INSEAD Finance Symposium
"Information cascades and Threshold Implementation" Adam smith woskshop 2019
"Learning and the Capital Age Premium" at Midwest Finance Association 2019
"Managerial Short-Termism and Market Competition" SFS Cavalcade 2018
"Aggregate Risk, Bank Competition and Regulation in General Equilibrium" ISB Summer Research conference 2018.
"Costly Interpretation of Asset Prices" GSE Barcelona Summer Forum 2017.