A wonderful text for courses that follow an introductory statistics course. There is a wealth of material that is accessible and is presented in a manner that is interesting and makes sense. Important ideas of model assumptions are stressed (never glossed over) and the data is all real-world. This text explains how a scientist in any field might actually use statistical ideas in his/her work. Julie Clark, Hollins U.

It covers all the essential topics in regression without getting tangled up in the mathematics and focuses on the use and interpretation of data.

A wonderful text for courses that follow an introductory statistics course. There is a wealth of material that is accessible and is presented in a manner that is interesting and makes sense. Important ideas of model assumptions are stressed (never glossed over) and the data is all real-world. This text explains how a scientist in any field might actually use statistical ideas in his/her work. Elizabeth Johnson, George Mason U.

Stat2 Building Models For A World Of Data Pdf Download

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In your introductory statistics course, you saw many facets of statistics but you probably did little if any work with the formal concept of a statistical model. To us, modeling is a very important part of statistics. In this book, we develop statistical models, building on ideas you encountered in your introductory course. We start by reviewing some topics from Stat 101 but adding the lens of modeling as a way to view ideas. Then we expand our view as we develop more complicated models.You will find a thread running through the book:

We hope that the Choose, Fit, Assess, Use quartet helps you develop a systematic approach to analyzing data.

Modern statistical modeling involves quite a bit of computing. Fortunately, good software exists that enables flexible model fitting and easy comparisons of competing models. We hope that by the end of your Stat2 course, you will be comfortable using software to fit models that allow for deep understanding of complex problems.

Course Objectives: develop Bayesian models for new types of data

implement Bayesian models and interpret the results

read and discuss Bayesian methods in the literature

select and build appropriate Bayesian models for data to answer research questions

understand and describe the Bayesian perspective and its advantages and disadvantages compared to classical methods

Foundations of data science from three perspectives: inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance. Given data arising from some real-world phenomenon, how does one analyze that data so as to understand that phenomenon? The course teaches critical concepts and skills in computer programming and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world datasets, including economic data, document collections, geographical data, and social networks. It delves into social and legal issues surrounding data analysis, including issues of privacy and data ownership.

An introduction to the R statistical software for students with minimal prior experience with programming. This course prepares students for data analysis with R. The focus is on the computational model that underlies the R language with the goal of providing a foundation for coding. Topics include data types and structures, such as vectors, data frames and lists; the REPL evaluation model; function calls, argument matching, and environments; writing simple functions and control flow. Tools for reading, analyzing, and plotting data are covered, such as data input/output, reshaping data, the formula language, and graphics models.

This course develops the probabilistic foundations of inference in data science, and builds a comprehensive view of the modeling and decision-making life cycle in data science including its human, social, and ethical implications. Topics include: frequentist and Bayesian decision-making, permutation testing, false discovery rate, probabilistic interpretations of models, Bayesian hierarchical models, basics of experimental design, confidence intervals, causal inference, Thompson sampling, optimal control, Q-learning, differential privacy, clustering algorithms, recommendation systems and an introduction to machine learning tools including decision trees, neural networks and ensemble methods.

This course teaches a broad range of statistical methods that are used to solve data problems. Topics include group comparisons and ANOVA, standard parametric statistical models, multivariate data visualization, multiple linear regression, logistic regression and classification, regression trees and random forests. An important focus of the course is on statistical computing and reproducible statistical analysis. The course and lab include hands-on experience in analyzing real world data from the social, life, and physical sciences. The R statistical language is used.

A coordinated treatment of linear and generalized linear models and their application. Linear regression, analysis of variance and covariance, random effects, design and analysis of experiments, quality improvement, log-linear models for discrete multivariate data, model selection, robustness, graphical techniques, productive use of computers, in-depth case studies.

Applied statistics with a focus on critical thinking, reasoning skills, and techniques. Hands-on-experience with solving real data problems with high-level programming languages such as R. Emphasis on examining the assumptions behind standard statistical models and methods. Exploratory data analysis (e.g., graphical data summaries, PCAs, clustering analysis). Model formulation, fitting, and validation and testing. Linear regression and generalizations (e.g., GLMs, ridge regression, lasso).

This course is about statistical learning methods and their use for data analysis. Upon completion, students will be able to build baseline models for real world data analysis problems, implement models using programming languages and draw conclusions from models. The course will cover principled statistical methodology for basic machine learning tasks such as regression, classification, dimension reduction and clustering. Methods discussed will include linear regression, subset selection, ridge regression, LASSO, logistic regression, kernel smoothing methods, tree based methods, bagging and boosting, neural networks, Bayesian methods, as well as inference techniques based on resampling, cross validation and sample splitting. be457b7860

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