Just bought the game, and every single guide and YouTube video I see tells me to "do the tutorials". I'm totally for that, and am the type to do tutorials anyway. Problem is, I can't seem to get to them. I log in, choose a name, am presented with the War or Peace server, and then are thrust right into the "intro mission" where there's two rows of ships of the line facing off against each other. I flounder around for a bit, do some damage, but if I don't do the required hull/sails/men damage before the battle timer runs out, it says I've failed, and it starts me over. Same thing with trying to hit Esc to leave the battle.... it just puts me right back at a window saying that the 1st Lieutenant is injured, and gives me my only option: Join the intro battle (again). 

Is this working as intended, or a bug? I know the game has had some changes over the years, but not even letting a guy get at said tutorials (that everyone tells you to do) sounds like a bad design. I've done a several Google searches looking for an answer, and haven't come across any one else mentioning the same issue.

*edit* Nevermind, I finally found the answer over on a Steam forum. I've figured out a few things while doing the intro mission, but I do agree that being dumped into it before any tutorials whatsoever is going to be a tad off-putting for a large fraction of new players. Will I be able to keep items I loot from ships in the Intro Battle?

Naval Action

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I experienced a sinking feeling a few times while playing Naval Action this week. Mostly it was entirely literal: my ship was actually, physically sinking after a long battle, my hull splintered, my sails tattered, and waves slowly but surely washing over my deck.

I had a figurative sinking feeling as well, when I first started playing. Naval Action is a ship-sailing simulation MMO set in the Caribbean, and it's currently in Early Access which means there are no tutorials. When I joined my first game I was just presented with a bunch of menus and boxes of text and no explanation of what to do or how to do it. It immediately appeared to be a game that required a lot of homework, which is fine, but I kinda just wanted to go sailing and shoot at other ships. Can't I just go sailing and shooting?

Actually, yes! I was happy to find that you can jump right in and easily begin sailing and fighting, and worry about the finer details later or try to pick them up as you play. I selected a PvP server, then looked over my choice of factions: France, Spain, Great Britain, the U.S., and others. I went with the pirate faction, figuring I wouldn't have to worry about who I was shooting at. I can even shoot at other pirates if I feel like it. Pirates do what they want: I saw it in a movie.

Initially, sailing is simple. Press W to increase speed and S to slow down. As you move faster you'll see more and more of your ship's sails unfurl, and as you slow down the sails roll themselves back up. All you have to worry about is the wind direction and shallow areas near shore. When you buy bigger and more complicated ships, you'll want to control the sails manually: it'll give you far more control and allow you to make tighter turns. I'm still in my beginner rig, though, and I suspect I will be for quite some time.

I began at Mortimer Town, a pirate-run stronghold (in reality it appears to be Matthew Town) and accepted a few missions, all of which were essentially Go Shoot At Boats And We'll Give You Gold. Can do. I quickly came across an AI-controlled French trading ship and chose to attack it.

Combat loads you into an instance, taking any nearby ships with you. Sailors appear on your deck and start loading cannons. (They don't sing sea shanties, however.) I maneuvered myself next to the French ship, took aim, and fired all my cannons. I missed, completely. I would miss many, many more times. As an explanation, here's a quote from the Steam description:

Realistic ballistics and cannon performance of the period. Every cannonball is tracked in the air and after it hits the target. One shot can hit the stern, damage the rudder, then hit the cannon carriage, injure crew, ricochet from the floor and hit the opposite side. Listing and wind affects the shooting distance and will require change of tactics.

Can confirm. Your boat (or your opponent's) listing or cresting a wave can cause your shot to miss, sailing harmlessly over the deck or plunking short into the sea. Even a swell passing between you and your target can snag the occasional cannonball out of the air. I haven't seen any ricochets myself, but that could be because when you fire you're immediately surrounded by the smoke of the cannons and when you're hit the air is filled with splinters. It can be hard to tell if you've hit anything until the smoke clears, or more specifically, until you've sailed away from it.

In other words, I got my butt handed to me by the French ship in my first fight, though it was great fun, desperately trying to come about and line up a clean broadside shot, muttering "come on, come on!" to my little men as they reloaded their cannons, and wincing as chunks of my ship exploded into fragments and my movement slowed with each new hole in the sail. Seeing the visible damage on the ships is great, and it also helps to be able to see your opponent raising and lowering their sails: you know they're about to attemp a maneuver.

I didn't want to quit without a single victory. The other pirates would all make fun of me in the pirate bars. So, I picked a fight with another AI ship that looked about my size. This was a long battle. It began in bright sunlight, continued all through the night, and finally ended in the morning as I finally got to watch someone besides myself sink. It wasn't a huge victory: my ship was about ready to sink itself, but I'm definitely getting a better feel for the cannons and learning when to take a shot and when to wait for a better one.

Though I've barely scratched the surface, I'm impressed with Naval Action so far. It's not as intimidating as it first looks, it's easy to jump in and have some fun, and it promises to reward you for putting in the extra effort to learn how everything works. It's currently available on Steam Early Access, with new features and ships to come as it develops. There's currently no date set for the final release.

Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd stop emailing them asking for more work. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He's also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his own."}), " -0-7/js/authorBio.js"); } else { console.error('%c FTE ','background: #9306F9; color: #ffffff','no lazy slice hydration function available'); }Christopher LivingstonSocial Links NavigationSenior EditorChris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd stop emailing them asking for more work. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He's also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his own.

Hyper Light Breaker dev opens up about the stress of depending on a publisher under the corporate carousel of acquisitions, layoffs and closures: 'I don't know who I'm going to be working with in a few months'

This is a work-in-progress rebirth of the Naval Action Wiki, originally hosted and created by OlavDeng2 at NavalActionWiki.com. This is an entirely community-driven site. If you see mistakes or something is out-dated, please go ahead and correct it, but please read the Wiki documentation first! Thank you and enjoy your stay!

Naval Action is an exciting, realistic, and beautifully detailed naval combat game immersing players into the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history - when sailing ships ruled the seas.

Returning players must select whether to play on the PVE Server or a PVP Server. Characters cannot be transferred between these two servers. It is strongly suggested that you review a Comparison of PvE and PVP environments before you decide. But briefly...

Servers have a daily maintenance downtime starting around 11:20 CET (TBC). Downtime length is typically between 30 and 60 minutes. Downtime can be longer if complex updates are installed. Maintenace is announced in game by several on-screen warnings informing the players about the downtime in advance.

Breathtaking open world based on 18th century historical maps gives you an opportunity to explore the 18th Century Caribbean. More than 365 historical ports based on their real locations are scattered across the map. The map is enormous - you cannot see across Lake Maracaibo.

Wind and Weather conditions make travel easier or harder requiring tacking and reducing visibility of the shores and landmarks. Heavy weather also allows for sneak attack on enemy fleets and in the PvP server, sneak attacks on ports.

All players sail under the flag of a nation that historically had a presence in the Caribbean (had at least one port between 1600 and 1830)

Players can attack any player or NPC of another nation, but they cannot attack their own nation. 


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