80x70 cm oil painting canvas The Spring

80x70 oil painting canvas The Sun of the East

40x50 cm oil painting

40x50 cm oil painting primed cardboard Irises

40x50 cm oil painting canvas Tea-Roses

40x50 cm oil painting canvas Lilac and Chocolate

40x50 cm oil painting canvas Roses and Apples

80x70 cm oil painting canvas Sailboats

40x50 cm primed cardboard oil painting

40x60 cm oil painting canvas Night Roses

80x70 cm oil painting canvas The Sun of Paris

70x50 cm oil painting canvas

50x60 cm oil painting canvas Evening in Kyiv

70x50 cm oil painting canvas Venetian Lilac

60x80 cm oil painting canvas

70x50 cm oil painting canvas Irises of Mont Saint-Michel

80x70 cm oil painting canvas Romantic Island, Sunset at Mont Saint-Michel

50x60 cm oil painting primed cardboad Gentle Tulips

80x40 cm oil painting canvas Heat of Africa

95x80 cm oil painting canvas Sea Lilac

80x90 cm oil painting canvas White Still Life

Nataliia Tsarinova – the painter

Her works are at the European collections

She graduated Academy of Arts of Kyiv. She is the director and the lecturer for thirty years of Kyiv Art School. She took part in international festivals, organized many art projects and exhibitions. Her works were exhibited in Greece, France and other European countries and have been acquired

in German and French private collections. She likes mountains, travels, flowers and beauty of architecture