Welcome to my webpage!
I am professor in Economics at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Paris-Saclay and researcher at CEPS (Center for Economics at Paris-Saclay). I am also the head of the Master of Economics at University Paris-Saclay and an elected member to the administrative board of the ENS-Paris-Saclay.
My main fields of interest are environmental economics and regulation, economic growth, health and population dynamics. I am a member of the FAERE steering committee.
You can download my full vitae here.
Media coverage:
Recent release in Nouvel Obs 👉https://www.nouvelobs.com/idees/20241014.OBS94950/le-refus-de-penser-la-dette-devrait-susciter-la-plus-grande-inquietude.html
Recent release in The Conversation 👉https://theconversation.com/les-autorites-de-la-concurrence-ont-aussi-un-role-a-jouer-pour-les-politiques-climatiques-229748