news across the atlantic

The newspaper that you are about to start reading is a result of hard work of three groups of teenage students: the Greek, the French and the Greenlandic ones. Due to the Erasmus+ School Exchange Programme 2018-2019, they have been given an extraordinary opportunity to visit each other's country in order to form their own opinion on it and share this opinion with larger home-country communities. Etwinning served them as a collaboration room where they could have exchanged their ideas and insights.

The articles presented here are not just simple descriptions of experiences. The students have learnt how to be real journalists in Greenland and they continued their learning in France and in Greece. They applied their knowledge gained and successefully managed to create real pieces of journalistic art.

this is who we are:

This is where we come from:




Map of France

This is a map where you can see the Prefectures and Regions of France.

Map of greenland

This is a map of Greenland where you can see the cities and the North, East, South and West of greenland

map of greece

This is a map where you can see the Prefectures and Regions of Greece

House of Laboëtie

Etienne Laboëtie's house, where there is also a showroom.

A Typical building of Sarlat - the town of France , where the partner French School is located

Hans egede

Hans Egede brought christianity to Greenland

He did the missionary job to christianity the greenlandic inhabitants

preveza the water front

This is a typical picture of Preveza's Water front . Preveza is a seaside town in the Western part of Greece where the Greek partner School is located

Here comes a short video that presents the Périgord Noir Region .

saint joseph's secondary school:

here is a presentation of nuuk, Greenland

Here is a video presenting our school


Video presenting the prefecture of our town

4Th Gymnasio Prevezas

photos and videos

this is what the international media says about us and our project

The Greenlandic papers talk about our transnational meeting in Nuuk, Greenland