Naoyuki Haba's page

International Conference, "Scalars 2011", University of Warsaw, 26-29 Aug, 2011

Name: Naoyuki Haba

Position: Professor

e-mail address

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Key Word:

  • Beyond the Standard Model

  • Early Universe


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Education & Academic Degree

Mar. 1991: Department of Physics, Osaka University B.Sc in Physics

Mar. 1993: Department of Physics, Nagoya University M.Sc in Theoretical Particle Physics

Mar. 1997: Department of Physics, Nagoya University Ph.D in Theoretical Particle Physics

Research Experience:

Apr. 1997 - Mar. 2003: Assistant Professor, Mie University

Apr. 2003 - Sep. 2006: Associate Professor, University of Tokushima

Oct. 2006 - Apr. 2012: Associate Professor, Osaka University P

Apr. 2012 - May 2013: Professor, Hokkaido University

Jun. 2013 - Mar. 2022: Professor, Shimane University

Apr.2022 - present: Professor, Osaka Metropolitan University

Research Field: High energy physics , Particle cosmology

Research Field: High energy physics , Particle cosmology

The Standard Model of elementary particle physics is almost consistent with experiments below O(100) GeV. However, there are still mysteries, for example,

"(a): What is an origin of mass generation?"

"(b): What is an origin of electroweak phase transition?" (which might be strongly related to an origin of Higgs field),

"(c): Why quarks and leptons have 3 copies (same quantum numbers but different masses)?"

(which is so-called mystery of generation, and we do not have any clues for it),

"(d): Why neutrino are much lighterthan other quarks and leptons?",

"(e): Why a charge of proton is thesame as minus charge of electron to an accuracy of 1021",

"(f): What is an origin of parity violation?",

"(g): Why our world id 4 dimension?", etc.

These mysteries implies an existence of fundamental physics behind the Standard Model (Beyond the Standard Model(BSM)), and they are important clues to search the BSM. I have researched the BSM by use of "supersymmetry (SUSY)", "extradimension theory", "grand unified theory (GUT)", "new building model". However, I also guess, the BSM is an as-yet-unknown theory, and the above mysteries are related among themselves through new physics beyond our imaginings. Keeping the possibilities, I intensively try to solve the mysteries with new and creative approaches. I also try to suggest new experiments to find out the BSM.