Advanced Optoelectronics & Spectroscopy Laboratory 

Department of Integrated Display Engineering, Yonsei University

Welcome to our website! 

We are joyfully studying, exploring, and finding secrets of quantum dot nanocrystals and perovskites, and also making unprecedented optoelectronic devices (LEDs, Lasers, Solar cells, etc) employing these semiconductor nanomaterials by using ultrafast spectroscopy, nano pulse generator, femto-second laser, and many other device fabrication tools.

We are looking for highly motivated students!


Recent research highlight

Upcoming event

2024 6/7 at 2 pm 

Distinguished Lecture at Yonsei university

Speaker: Dr. Victor I. Klimov (Los alamos national laboratory fellow) 

& Prof. Clement Livache (École Polytechnique)

Location: To be announced

Contact : n.ahn at

Work phone : 02-2123-5827

Address : Yonsei University, Engineering Research Park50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu,

Seoul, Republic of Korea, 03722

Office: 377-B

Laboratory: 212-C

All Rights Reserved, Namyoung Ahn, 2024