Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted on our GitHub repo.

you should place the Nagios plugins in the ~/local directory structure under /opt/omd/sites//local/lib/nagios/plugins. That way they won't be lost when updating the underlying OMD version. The ~/local directory is the general place to put local changes to the system, like your own notification scripts, self-written check_mk checks etc. The directory /opt/omd/sites//lib/nagios/plugins holds the built-in Nagios plugins that come with OMD.

Nagios Plugins Download Github


You can use those plungins like Jakub wrote in a "Classical active and passive Nagios checks" rule. There you have two variables for the plugin paths which you can use in the "Command line" field:

$USER1$ = /opt/omd/sites//lib/nagios/plugins

$USER2$ = /opt/omd/sites//local/lib/nagios/plugins

I'm using the OMD installation of check_mk and so far its working fantastic, but I'm a little lost as to how to add machine specific checks for my extreme switches ( -plugins for example) which were written for nagios.

Service uptime and standard monitoring for the services Zulipdepends on. Most monitoring softwarehas standard plugins for nginx, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ,and memcached, and those will work well with Zulip.

Beyond that, Zulip ships a few application-specific end-to-end healthchecks. The Nagios plugins check_send_receive_time,check_rabbitmq_queues, and check_rabbitmq_consumers are generallysufficient to point to the cause of any Zulip production issue. Seethe next section for details.

The Nagios plugins used by that configuration are installedautomatically by the Zulip installation process in subdirectoriesunder /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/. The following is a summary of theuseful Nagios plugins included with Zulip and what they check:

Plugins such as the Exec (exec) input plugin and the Kafka Consumer (kafka_consumer) input plugin parse textual data. Up until now,these plugins were statically configured to parse just a singledata format. The Exec (exec) input plugin mostly only supported parsing JSON, and the Kafka Consumer (kafka_consumer) onlysupported data in InfluxDB line protocol.

Now, we are normalizing the parsing of various data formats across allplugins that can support it. You will be able to identify a plugin that supportsdifferent data formats by the presence of a data_format config option, forexample, in the Exec (exec) input plugin:

For questions about the plugin, open a topic in the Discuss forums. For bugs or feature requests, open an issue in Github.For the list of Elastic supported plugins, please consult the Elastic Support Matrix.

This module makes it easy to add a very fully configured HTTP client to logstashbased on [Manticore]( ).For an example of its usage see -plugins/logstash-input-http_pollerTimeout (in seconds) for the entire request

Add a unique ID to the plugin configuration. If no ID is specified, Logstash will generate one.It is strongly recommended to set this ID in your configuration. This is particularly usefulwhen you have two or more plugins of the same type. For example, if you have 2 timber outputs.Adding a named ID in this case will help in monitoring Logstash when using the monitoring APIs.

The config file contains the Nagios configuration options. Consult the nagios documentation for available settings and allowed options. Configuration entries of which multiple entries are allowed, need to be specified as an Array.

node['nagios']['server']['install_yum-epel'] - whether to install the EPEL repo or not (only applies to RHEL platform family). The default value is true. Set this to false if you do not wish to install the EPEL RPM; in this scenario you will need to make the relevant packages available via another method e.g. local repo, or install from source.

node['nagios']['http_port'] - port that the Apache/Nginx virtual site should listen on, determined whether ssl is enabled (443 if so, otherwise 80). Note: You will also need to configure the listening port for either NGINX or Apache within those cookbooks.

node['nagios']['default_user_name'] - Specify a defaut guest user to allow page access without authentication. --Only-- use this if nagios is running behind a secure webserver and users have been authenticated in some manner. You'll likely want to change node['nagios']['server_auth_require'] to all granted. Defaults to nil.

node['nagios']['templates'] - These set directives in the default host template. Unless explicitly overridden, they will be inherited by the host definitions for each discovered node and nagios_unmanagedhosts data bag. For more information about these directives, see the Nagios documentation for host definitions.

You can define pagerduty contacts and keys by creating nagios_pagerduty data bags that contain the contact and the relevant key. Setting admin_contactgroup to "true" will add this pagerduty contact to the admin contact group created by this cookbook.

With NRPE commands created using the LWRP you will need to define Nagios services to use those commands. These services are defined using the nagios_services data bag and applied to roles and/or environments. See --Services--

The main incompatibility and breaking change is that the default services that are monitored by Nagios is reduced to only the "check-nagios" service. This means that existing installations will need to start converting checks over to the new data bag entries. 006ab0faaa

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