On 16 January 2014, Nagios Enterprises redirected the nagios-plugins.org domain to a web server controlled by Nagios Enterprises without explicitly notifying the Nagios Plugins community team the consequences of their actions.[11][12] Nagios Enterprises replaced the nagios-plugins team with a group of new, different members.[13] The community team members who were replaced continued their work under the name Monitoring Plugins along with a new website with the new domain of monitoring-plugins.org.[14]

Hundreds of community-developed addons provide additional GUIs and reporting, monitoring, and notification functionalities for Nagios. Visit the Nagios Exchange website at exchange.nagios.org to see some really cool things you can use to trick out your Nagios installation.

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The first file is /etc/nagios/command-plugins.cfg (leave comment please if you know path to this file or analog in ubuntu). Assumed that plugin file is placed in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ directory:

Save the file and open up /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg (in ubuntu path to service definition files located in /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg and by default cfg_dir=/etc/nagios3/conf.d. So, to define new service in ubuntu user should create cfg file in that dir, for example hello.cfg). Locate this section:

The config file contains the Nagios configuration options. Consult the nagios documentation for available settings and allowed options. Configuration entries of which multiple entries are allowed, need to be specified as an Array.

node['nagios']['server']['install_yum-epel'] - whether to install the EPEL repo or not (only applies to RHEL platform family). The default value is true. Set this to false if you do not wish to install the EPEL RPM; in this scenario you will need to make the relevant packages available via another method e.g. local repo, or install from source.

node['nagios']['http_port'] - port that the Apache/Nginx virtual site should listen on, determined whether ssl is enabled (443 if so, otherwise 80). Note: You will also need to configure the listening port for either NGINX or Apache within those cookbooks.

node['nagios']['default_user_name'] - Specify a defaut guest user to allow page access without authentication. --Only-- use this if nagios is running behind a secure webserver and users have been authenticated in some manner. You'll likely want to change node['nagios']['server_auth_require'] to all granted. Defaults to nil.

node['nagios']['templates'] - These set directives in the default host template. Unless explicitly overridden, they will be inherited by the host definitions for each discovered node and nagios_unmanagedhosts data bag. For more information about these directives, see the Nagios documentation for host definitions.

You can define pagerduty contacts and keys by creating nagios_pagerduty data bags that contain the contact and the relevant key. Setting admin_contactgroup to "true" will add this pagerduty contact to the admin contact group created by this cookbook.

With NRPE commands created using the LWRP you will need to define Nagios services to use those commands. These services are defined using the nagios_services data bag and applied to roles and/or environments. See --Services--

[COOK-3774]Services can be limited to run on nagios servers in specific chef environments by adding a new "activate_check_in_environment" key to the services data bag. See the Services section of the readme for an example.

The main incompatibility and breaking change is that the default services that are monitored by Nagios is reduced to only the "check-nagios" service. This means that existing installations will need to start converting checks over to the new data bag entries.

I just spent some time getting this combo setup, and it seems like something others might be interested in, so I thought it deserved a short write up. Why would you do this? Well nagios gives you network wide monitoring AND ALERTING. So it's an easy way to watch your install and get custom alerts when things go out of bounds.

--- Install nagios --------- Nagios is somewhat of a beast, so I won't go into a huge amount of detail on setting it up here beyond the basic install. If you have questions with setup, I can probably help you in the comments. The install guide I used is here: Follow it. Note...you won't get a working install because pihole already has port 80 claimed for itself. To fix this we move to ....

next go into the conf-enabled dir and edit the 10-nagios3.conf file you created. Find the line that starts with alias.url = and change it to alias.url +=. Save and exit and restart lighttpd ( service lighttpd restart)

--- the pihole plugin ----- This is my own script that I wrote that queries the pihole API to get the status data and parses the values. Now....this might not be the 'accepted' way in the world of nagios to do this, but I chose to treat each metric as an individual 'service'. The more correct way would be to write pihole as a single service check that returns a single OK / Warning / Critical based on a combo of criteria. Instead, the script takes an argument specifying which parameter to test against.

The inputs are all standard to nagios. The basic idea is that you give it the hostname, the alert criteria and the test to run and it returns if the value is OK, Warning or CRITICAL as well as some performance data that will be logged in an RRD and graphed (more later). All of this is described in the plugin developers guide. For the warn and crit criteria, the ranges are setup as:

Before going too far, one note on how nagios works. In nagios, you define hosts and services. A host is a piece of hardware and a service is something running on the hardware. There is a periodic host check (usually a ping, but you can script whatever you want) as well as service checks. I am running nagios on the same host as the pihole, so all of my pihole service checks will run under the 'localhost' host. You should have a localhost_nagios2.cfg file you can look at that has that pre-configured for you with a handful of service checks.

The hostname (as discussed before) is localhost since this is running on the same machine. If you look back at the host definition for localhost (in localhost_nagios2.cfg ) you will see where the host address is set (that is what is passed to the plug in). So if your pihole is on a different machine, your host definition would automatically take care of that part.

Okay ... that gets nagios running and checking the pihole stats. Next up is graphing....but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I'll come back and edit this to add it in as well as address anything I happened to bork up in the description.

Next, you need to go to your Nagy box, and locate where you check scripts are. Mine are in /usr/local/nagios/libexec and in there, I installed the Nagios Plugin for Asterisk described above. Make sure you change the owner (chmod) and permissions (755) for the file so it will execute. I named my script check_pbx_ami

I have been asked to look at a monitoring solution that can be used to monitor network , servers and applications. Typically us guys in the network team have used Orion for a number of years and are quite comfortable in its use. However our team that looks after servers has used nagios particulary because they come from unix backgrounds. Our applications team dont really use anything.

My question is basically to find out what advice my colleagues on this forum can give me regarding the advantages / disadvantages of both are. Im not sure either can perform synthetic transactions which would be usefull for applications teams. Although with my limited experience with nagios given enough expertise it could be more customisable than solarwinds. Where as Solarwinds in most cases is functional out the box.

I have used both, nagios in a previous position and solarwinds at my current position. Nagios is great for flexibility of configuration, but that comes at a price. It is much harder to manage a nagios server than solarwinds, because all of the configuration is done through text files. Plus management likes to know that anyone who steps into the management can follow instructions, understand a system, and use it as needed. 

Solarwinds main advantage is simplicity IMO. It is easy to setup, configure, change. It also collects performance data easily, which I could not say about nagios. We used a plugin for performance data called perfparse, but that is a bear to configure. If you used nagios for alerting/status and then cacti for performance data, you may be on to something. But then you are managing two totally different systems, under different datastores. Nagios and cacti work the best if you use the systems to collect the data and create the graphs, but customize the web frontend for your needs. There are some GUI configuration tools for Nagios, but in my experience you sacrifice the flexibility that makes nagios strong in the first place.

The administrative overhead of nagios is terrible. I would not implement it unless you were dedicated to just NMS. You can also check out Zenoss which is another product like nagios. Its almost like a hybrid of nagios and Cacti, and its all web based (linux).

6. Skip this step if you are using a Debian-based distribution. If you are using a RHEL-based distribution, you will need to edit the Nagios Core config to load the PagerDuty config. To do this, open /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg and add this line to the file:

14. Skip this step if you are using a RHEL-based distribution. If you are using a Debian-based distribution, you will need to make sure Nagios Core has external commands enabled. In /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg, check that variable check_external_commands equals 1 and that the variable command_check_interval is set to a reasonable value for your environment. The command_check_interval variable determines how often Nagios Core checks for external commands to run. 006ab0faaa

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