Nadia Nahar

Software Engineering Ph.D. Student, Institute for Software Research, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

About Me

One fine morning, after my graduation, my father called me to show a newspaper article about how a girl from my country had herself admitted into her dream university. I had previously talked to my father several times about how I cherished to complete my post-graduation from a top-tier university for Software Engineering. His motivation determined me more to cherish my dream, and look where it brought me now. :)

I am Nadia Nahar, enrolled in Software Engineering Ph.D. Program in Institute for Software Research (ISR), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU); And I believe that it's just the beginning and I still have a long way to go.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” 

—Eleanor Roosevelt.


Professional Experience

Achievements I am Most Proud of

ACM-SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICSE 2022

IIT Academic Excellence Gold Medal Award (MSSE), University of Dhaka, 2016.

Received from Honorable President of Bangladesh

IIT Academic Excellence Gold Medal Award (BSSE), University of Dhaka, 2014.

Received from Honorable President of Bangladesh

Champion (1st position) of BASIS Code Warriors Challenge, 2015.

Web Development .Net Track

Research Interests

Software Engineering, SE4AI/SE4ML, Software Design, Software Quality Assurance

Visit my Google Scholar for Publications.

Ongoing Research Projects

Collaboration Challenges in Building Production Machine Learning (ML) Systems: Interdisciplinary collaboration has always been considered challenging which stands true for modern ML projects as well. From the literature, it has been understood that collaboration in data science projects are not the same as the traditional software development teams due to several factors like more "exploration" process than "engineering" process, distinct skills and knowledge of involved roles, difficulty in testing, need of continuous support after deployment, data drifts, special requirements of fairness or explainability, etc. To better understand collaboration challenges and avenues toward better practices, we conducted interviews with 45 participants contributing to the development of ML-enabled systems for production use. Participants come from 28 organizations, from small startups to large big tech companies, and have diverse roles in these projects, including data scientists, software engineers, and managers. During our interviews, we explored organizational structures, interactions of project members with different technical backgrounds, and where conflicts arise between teams. We report our findings in this paper. A summarized description can be found here. The paper received the ACM-SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award in ICSE 2022.

Mining Machine Learning Production Systems in Open Source: As Machine Learning (ML) has been receiving massive attention for incredible advances and surpassing human-level cognition in many applications, the significance of analyzing the ML repositories have become necessary in many different contexts like evaluating maintainability, identifying common practices around ML components, etc. However, mining open-source to find the ML production systems is a challenge in itself, because of lack of indicators to distinguish production systems from ML tools or toy projects. Thus, our target in this research project is to define a set of indicators to find such projects and report a dataset of ML production systems.


44th ICSE, Pittsburgh, USA, 2021

Registration Desk Chair, Paper Presenter, Best Paper Award Winner

7th ICIEV, Japan, 2018

Session organizer of “SS10: Software Engineering for Quality Assurance”.

23rd SANER, Japan, 2016

Paper Presenter

22nd APSEC, India, 2015

Paper Presenter