Top 5 NAD+ Benefits for Brain Health and Restoration

NAD+ is among the indispensable molecules of life — yet it declines in the human body with aging.

If you haven’t heard of NAD+ or NAD+ therapy, now may be the time to learn about this treatment modality.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) molecules are found in every cell in the body, including our brain cells. Although there are benefits to receiving NAD+ IV therapy or taking NAD+ supplements, health care practitioners and researchers are advocating NAD+ for helping restore brain function and promote brain health.

NAD+ Health Benefits Toronto - Naturopath Toronto Dr. Amauri Caversan ND - (416) 922-4114
NAD+ IV Health Benefits Toronto ON (416) 922-4114

Benefits of NAD+ on the Brain

Research has shown that NAD+ influences the development, maintenance, and repair of energy at the cellular levels. Some of the benefits of NAD+ for brain health and restoration are:

1. Helps guard the nerve fibres from demyelination

NAD+ protects nerves against demyelination. It may sound like a big word, but demyelination means damage in the protective coating of nerve fibres. This protective covering, called the myelin sheath (hence the term “demyelination”), protects the nerve fibres in the brain, spinal cord, and specific nerves in the body. When the myelin is injured or somehow damaged, the nerve impulses (which are the signals to and from the brain) slow down or stop. In turn, this may cause muscle weakness and stiffness; loss of sensation, vision, and coordination; altered bowel and bladder function; and pain.

2. Acts as messengers in the body

Besides having a neuroprotective effect, NAD+ is essential in controlling physiological functions and cellular communication. NAD+ helps fine-tune the functioning of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that carry messages or signals from one area of the body to another. There are different types of neurotransmitters and some are involved in various functions, such as:

– Appetite

– Blood pressure control

– Digestive system’s response to food

– Liver function

– Memory

– Motivation

– Motor control

– Reward and reinforcement

– Regulation of the heart rate

– Sleep

3. Helps improve memory and maintain cognitive function

Neurotransmitters play a significant role in our central nervous system by supporting cognitive function. Ongoing research and clinical trials suggest that NAD+ may help improve memory and blood circulation in the brain of older adults with memory retention issues. This means that NAD+ may be beneficial in improving concentration and memory.

NAD+ Health Benefits Toronto ON KWs

4. Helps fight against neurological diseases

Scientists believe that NAD+ therapy may help prevent brain diseases. These brain diseases include Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Studies mention that low levels of brain cells energy (along with an unhealthy microbiome) may be responsible for the development and progression of these neurological diseases. By boosting NAD+ levels via supplementation and/or IV therapy, it may be possible to increase brain cells energy and vitality. Consequently, NAD+ therapy may help individuals stave off neurological disorders.

5. Contributes to restoring brain and neurological function

Whether you’re resting or engaged in intensive physical activity, your body consumes energy. NAD+ participates in the production of energy needed by most cells in the body. And one of the most energy-intensive organs in the body is the brain.

NAD+ is a naturally occurring molecule needed to convert glucose from the food that we consume into energy. When you have low levels of this molecule, there will be a low supply of brain sugar and, therefore, low amounts of energy for the brain cells to work properly.

NAD+ Therapy and Health Benefits Toronto ON - Naturopath Toronto Centre - (416) 922-411

How can NAD+ IV therapy help you?

Do you want to learn more about NAD+? At our Toronto clinic, Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND, and Arv Buttar, NP, are passionate about helping patients with their integrative and functional medicine programs. You’re welcome to learn about our nutritional IV therapies, including vitamin B12, the Myer’s Cocktail, high-dose vitamin C and more. You may inquire about our NAD+ therapy, which may help rebuild neuroreceptor function and improve sleep, detoxification, and physical and mental longevity. Please call 416-922-4114 or send us your message here.

Visit or call the clinic for more info and queries on NAD+ Benefits at:

Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre

1200 Bay Street #1102

Toronto, Ontario M5R 2A5

(416) 922-4114

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