Final conference @ the Babes-Bolyai University

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

3-4 July 2023*

*We will organize an optional event, on the afternoon of July 2nd, for the participants who will arrive in Cluj-Napoca on the day before the conference. More details are available  here.



Babeș-Bolyai University


This is the webpage dedicated to the final conference for the Neural Architecture of Consciousness action, funded by the European Commission as COST Action CA18106. 

This final conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, from within the Babes-Bolyai University.

Join us from July 2-4, 2023, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The action aimed to examine the role of cortical brain regions in consciousness from both a basic science and clinical perspective. By building detailed neuroarchitectural models from different types of brain data and relating them to meticulously gathered behavioral and clinical data, the grant aimed to create a tentative data-driven neuroarchitectural model of consciousness. Its ultimate goal is to improve the predictive accuracy of prognoses for disorders of consciousness, which could have a significant positive impact on the lives of patients and their families ultimately, holding the potential to guide clinical decisions.

The conference will be an opportunity to share the latest findings and advancements in the field of consciousness research. Consciousness researchers and clinicians from different parts of the world will present their work on topics related to the action's objectives. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in working group meetings, plenary sessions and keynote lectures, which will provide a platform for fruitful exchanges and collaborations.

Don't miss this opportunity to engage in lively discussions and expand your knowledge on this fascinating topic. We look forward to welcoming you to Cluj-Napoca for this exciting conference!

On behalf of CA18106:

Prof. Dr. Kristian Sandberg

(Aarhus University)

Action chair

Prof Dr. Michał Wierzchoń 

(Jagiellonian University)

Action co-chair

Prof. Dr. Adrian Opre

(Babeș-Bolyai University)

Chair of the local organizing committee

The local organizing committee

Dr. Răzvan JURCHIȘ 

(Babeș-Bolyai University)

Local organizer

Dr. Andrei COSTEA 

(Babeș-Bolyai University)

Local organizer