Tutoring Links

Khan Academy is not only a math site but one for any class you think of. And the website is still expanding with more videos in a wider variety of subjects being uploaded. This site has more of the basics than the complexities of subjects but is still a superb tool for learning material.

IXL has practice with immediate feedback and solutions explanations. The problem types vary to test your knowledge. Sad part is the session times out if you are not a member after so long each day. But it's probably a good time to stop at that point anyway.

This site has a variety of examples in different subcategories of a variety of math subjects: algebra, arithmetic, calculus, differential equations, discrete math, probability and statistics, trigonometry, and a few miscellaneous items. Many topics are helpful even at the collegiate level. I have personally used this website while in college.

This site has a variety of videos for any subject. For math the videos range from basic math to Calculus I using more than just words on a screen with a voice. There are videos of the teacher at the board as well and along side the videos are little quizzes to check you comprehension of what they are talking about. You instantly know if you learned anything from the video.

If you do not want to look through the lesser math of some of the other sites check out Calculus Expert. It has videos from pre-calculus up to second-order differential equations.

This site is for calculus students. A professor at Lamar University published his notes online for his students that would miss class. These notes include examples, tables, graphs, and other info you would be taught during a calculus course in person. It has every calculus topic you need in a written out format.

This physics website provides written notes for all physics topics along with interactives to play around with for each topic.

This physics website has multiple choice problems with solutions for every topic we talk about.