Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner proposed the idea of Multiple Intelligences in his book Frames of Mind: Theory of Multiple of Intelligences in 1983. Although he laid out the details for each separate intelligence in great detail Gardner believed that each person had a "unique blend of all the intelligences" and that knowing one's intelligences can "empower learners" rather than restrict them.

Bodily-Kinesthetic: making things, sports, acting, etc.

Interpersonal: works well with others, communicates effectively, empathize with others

Intrapersonal: introspection, self-reflective, predict one’s emotions

Linguistic: words/languages (reading, writing, telling stories, memorizing dates)

Logical-Mathematical: reasoning, calculating, think conceptually and abstractly

Musical: sounds rhythms, music, singing, etc.

Naturalistic: nurturing and relating information to one’s natural surroundings

Visual-Spatial: visualize with the minds’ eye

Multiple Intelligences (Rings Around).pdf
Multiple Intelligences (Rings Out).pdf