
Interactive courses on how to program. Courses are created by community and cover CSS, Java, HTML.

You can work through our self-paced coding challenges, build projects, and earn certificates. They also connect you with people in your city so you can code together.

Create your own game of Flappy Bird and then send it to friends to try.

Learn how to program drawings using JavaScript by designing your very own snowman through Khan Academy.

Run, jump, and code your way through three different worlds to collect the stars and make it to the finish line! Learn sequencing, debugging and loops, and code in Swift, Java, or with Icons.

Choose your hero and code your way through the ogre patrols, lava pits, and laser beams of Kithgard Dungeon. Level up, earn gems, and loot magic items to unlock new programming powers!

Refraction lets you bend, split, and redirect lasers to power spaceships filled with lost animals! Help free as many animals as you can by expanding your knowledge of fractions.