It was available in German (,, and until April 2016. According to Alexa Internet, the German domain name was one of the 1,000 most visited websites on the Internet.[2]

Today MyVideo is an entertainment news platform of maxdome,[4] a video on demand service of ProSiebenSat.1 Media. The former video hosting service was replaced by and later sold to Pluto TV.[5]

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I multiboot with* kubuntu 9.04* (upgraded from 8.04) and kde 4.2. Its internet video using BBC iPlayer is perfect at 24bit depth, CPU utilization similar to opensuse 10.3, on the same H/W same video driver version (openchrome driver). xorg-server is different at 1.6.0, but I am not yet convinced this is the (only) problem.

Although internet video (BBC iplayer) is I assume 2D only, there may be more S/W components involved than just xorg and the video driver. In my case, the driver takes care of 2D acceleration, but AGP DMA can be used for 2D (and 3D). Driver options involving DMA require that DRI is enabled. This brings in other components such as libdrm and two cooperating kernel driver modules, drm.ko and a H/W specific* via.ko*.

I included my specific details above in case it gives you any clues as to where to look, or may help you to diagnose the cause of your jerky internet video. I could be on the wrong track, so if anyone wants to disagree or confirm, feel free.

This works for me with the video you're using. If you want the video to autoplay when the document loads (which isn't really a good idea) you should indicate that in the tag rather than the JavaScript:

I can download the directory but not individual files; I know we should be able to download individual files if the directory download is available; I'm not sure what I missed; any help would be really appreciated.

When trying to see if anyone using a Georgian VPN / in Georgia, or elsewhere could access the site, as it turns out, they can. Seems like only people from the USA are not allowed into the website, for some strange reason. Hopefully, this is temporary.

I recorded the vids on my iphone at 24fps while I recorded the vid on my camera at 60 fps 1920 1080. Please let me know if there is anything that can be done about this! I would be very grateful in knowing so!

So I've had my PS5 since launch from Sony and the My Videos app has only worked twice on my console it just sits there and constantly loads.... I've did a factory reset,restored my licenses and other things that seem to do nothing but waste my time.

My video has been stuck processing for hours. I've tried multiple times to upload in Safari and Chrome and it always gets stuck processing. The video is a 1 hour stream in .flv format from OBS and is 1.8 gb. Please help

I've tried 3 times to upload a single 2 and a half hour video [which is basically 2 smaller broadcasts merged together because i got disconnected part way through], and it's been stuck on processing for ages.

it is now 2022 and i see that this still seems to be a problem. i really want to utilize the channel trailer feature, but to do so, i have to upload my 44 second video t video processor, and every time i try, it just stays on "processing..." eternally. help?

I've been processing a video perhaps a 2 hour culmination of a 7 hour stream for the better part of 2 weeks now. It is just constantly processing, published or unpublished. I can't export the videos because they are just trapped processing and it just doesn't physically exist. 

I'm using OperaGX but I've randomly had this problem with other streams sporadically. In that same stream I had played a different game briefly before and I highlight reeled that and it gave me no issues.

Hello guys I resolved this by exporting in into right format video and audio. I have uploaded my after exporting in format bellow this comment again and when it was stuck on processing I hit refresh on Goggle Chrome and it become unpublished. Then I just published the video and there it is.

I just upload for my intro wich is 40second long mp4 yt other platforms went ok 0issue but here is stuck on processing twitch still did not fixed that for years format and settings are correct on my end come on wake up! :) i guess ill try one more time next year xd refresh site Processing error xd

This is still a problem and it's honestly a bit ridiculous after all these years, it has not gotten any better. I live on Twitch, but archiving my streams or even just making highlight reels for Twitch? It's an unbearably slow process compared to most websites. For a 10 minute video I would expect SEVERAL HOURS instead of several minutes of processing, which other sites would do just fine.

Was really hoping to go all in with Twitch uploads and keep everything in one place, but not if this is still the norm. We can't seriously be expected to use this system. It's slower than dial-up.

I'm currently trying to publish highlights. I previously tried to publish the entire 1 hour but that was taking forever and am now trying to publish 30 minutes of that hour. It's still taking forever.

I have the same problem: videos uploaded like... half a year ago?! I kid you not xD and it's still processing, I don't know how to remove it, there's no option, the only one is "publish", but since it's not rendered/ processed, it can't be utilized, sooooo... kinda stuck -_-'

I will follow this thread, cause this is getting ridiculous xD

So I was experimenting a little with vidIQ and I was trying to make one of my videos be at the very top of the search results for when you search for it specifically. The only problem is that, when I search the exact video title, other videos are coming up first with entirely different titles. I've checked these videos' tags and the thing I searched is not in any of the tags, but for some reason, I can't find my video until I scroll for 5 minutes or so. I tried adding more tags to my video to try to compete with the other videos appearing before mine, but that hasn't done a single thing. I've added more keywords to my description, too, but that didn't work either. Is this just another "you're new, you lose" thing, or am I doing something I shouldn't be?

If some of them are able to see your content, then the issue can be related to their connection, or to their Teams cache, which might need to be deleted. I wrote a short post on that at : -watch-teams-powerpoint-presentation-video/

I've been making screencasts for over a decade. My first were for the scientific computing course that was also my first attempt at flipped learning. Students liked these, so I branched out and made videos for calculus and linear algebra too. Then in 2012, I went big and created a playlist of 107 videos for our introduction to proofs course, then a year later collaborated to make a playlist of 92 videos for Calculus.

So I've logged many, many hours making videos, and I've learned what many faculty discovered during the pandemic when we all realized the importance of video in teaching: Making a decent video is hard work. You don't just press "record" and lecture to a PowerPoint deck. Doing it well requires time, planning and attention to detail, and --- most importantly --- a firm grasp of your tools and an optimized workflow for using them. I've recently started making video content again and it's given me the chance to revisit and tweak my own workflow. After 10+ years, I think I have a system that produces a good end product without taking tons of time. Since summer is a great time to build video content for Fall, I'd thought I'd share it here.

I learned the basic core of this workflow in 2012, at an unconference held at the Okemos, Michigan headquarters of Techsmith, the developers of Camtasia and SnagIt. They use their products to make a lot of high-quality tutorial videos for those products, and they taught their own creation process to us participants. Their essential workflow is counterintuitive: Record the audio first, then record video using the audio track as a voiceover, then merge the two and add post-production features.

When I first heard this, I thought they were crazy to use such an overcomplicated process. But then they created a real screencast using this method right before our eyes, and the more I saw it in action, the more it made sense. I've been using their process, with some modifications, ever since.

Like I said, this workflow may seem counterintuitive. It certainly did for me, at first. Doesn't it take a lot more time to record the audio and video separately and then merge them? Why not just record everything all at once? But as I got more familiar with the tools and the process --- which required dozens of short practice runs --- I began to see the wisdom of this approach:

I don't use this workflow every single time I make a video. For example, when I'm doing just a quick-and-dirty video for students that involves handwriting a solution to a computation (for example, to debrief a homework question) I will often just fire up my whiteboard software, click Record to capture the screen, and start writing and talking. The result may have all kinds of tics, errors, and inefficiencies but that's OK for that context. On the other hand, I often find that what I thought was going to be a quick 5-minute lecture video turns into a half-hour process because of all the errors and backtracking. So for most situations, I rely on the workflow above to create video that looks good, sounds good, and doesn't crush me with time or work requirements.

A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about how I set up the networking in our house following some major construction. I was really excited about how much better the internet would be. No more WiFi dead zones, and a wired connection to my computer to provide extra speed and stability to my office. Overall, the results were great. Speed test anywhere in my house showed I was getting the full 500mbps promised by my cable company. However, not everything was working as expected: e24fc04721

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