Close w/ Prices Included

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Click HERE for Set Price Reference Sheet

As I said earlier, our Homemaker+8 is our most popular set. It’s perfect for families that cook 2-4 times a week. It has the ten basic tools I explained earlier, 8 Table Knives, the woodblock, and a sharpener for straight edges.

We also have a Homemaker set without Table Knives.

If you were considering a set of Cutco, would you prefer the set with the Table Knives?

The great thing is that it doesn’t cost $4000 In fact, it doesn’t even cost as much as Wusthof price of $3435.

The Homemaker+8 Set is only $1326 paid in full, which includes shipping. But most of our customers take advantage of our 5-month, interest-free easy pay option which is only $289 today and includes tax.

(Have them WRITE DOWN investment options on paper)

(Basic Homemaker: $1049 in full or $229 per month for 5 months)

BUY NOW BONUS: We have a bonus where, if you buy now, I can give you an Entertainer Pack or Super Shears for FREE!

Mrs./ Mr.__________, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask you; Would you like to try out the Homemaker Set today and get your FREE gifts? (Be completely quiet and wait for answer... smile)

If Yes: Congratulations! You’re going to love your Cutco. While I write that up, let’s look at accessories.

By the way, do you guys ever entertain or host family occasions? (If yes- Okay- I'm going to show you our two larger sets too just so you see the other options) (next slide)

(Note: If Customer is interested in pricing for the larger sets, don't forget to show them the Family/Friend Specials!)

If No: No problem! :-) If you don’t mind me asking, what is it about the Homemaker you’re unsure of? ...

Handling Knee-jerk Reactions

Too Much Money/Can’t Afford it: I completely understand. $1326 is a lot all at once. That’s why most of our customers split it up over 5 months, interest free. It would only be $289 per month. How does that sound?

I Need to Think About it: I completely understand. $1326 is a lot of money to be impulsive. That’s why most customers take advantage of the 15-day trial. If you don’t love it after a few weeks, you can send it back and get a full refund. On the 5-month plan, you can try it out for only $289 today. How does that sound?

Need to talk to Spouse (husband): I completely understand. That’s why most customers use the 15-day trial to make sure he can really see the value. If he doesn’t love it, send it back and get a full refund. On the 5- month plan, you both can try it out for only $289 today. How does that sound?

Too Many Pieces: I completely understand. At first, 10 pieces seems like a lot. After 15 days, if there is a piece or a few pieces you’re still unsure of, you can return and get refunded for those pieces. How does that sound?

Can I buy pieces?: Of course! However, our sets are discounted, they’re safer, and you get free stuff. If you don’t mind, I’ll show you our sets and if none of them appeal to you, we can pick whatever pieces you want!

I definitely want to buy later: Give a better deal (call office) or drop down to smaller set. “Mrs. Jones, you don’t have to buy anything today. Do you mind if I go through the rest of the demo just so I can practice?”

Still No: No problem! :-) Let’s skip to the next set, which is our Galley + 6. It’s one of our most popular options... (have customer go past the next 2 slides to get to the Galley+6 Set)

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If your customer LOVES the Homemaker+8 but is on the edge... CALL OFFICE FOR APPROVAL for “Friends and Family Discount”

Next is our GALLEY SET...

It’s a perfect starter set and it’ll take care of all your needs... (Explain pieces in set)

As you can see... it has the Paring Knife for the air, Trimmer for small stuff, Spatula for sandwiches, a meat knife, a serving piece, a veggie chopper, and a bread knife. And it still comes with 6 Table Knives.

It’s a few less knives for a lot less money! Instead of paying $1326 for the Homemaker Set...

The Galley+6 Set is only $957 or $209 per month for 5 months (interest free) (Only $52 per week!) The basic Galley is only $739 or $162 per month for 5 months (interest free) (Only $40 per week!) (Have customer write down prices notebook or “wish list”)

BUY NOW BONUS: If you get this set today, I can still include the Entertainer Pack or Super Shears for free!

Ask for the Order: Is that something you’d like to get today?

If Yes: Congratulations! You’re going to love your Cutco! While I write that up let’s look at accessories.

If Unsure: If it makes a difference, we can do something else for free instead! (BBQ Set / (free items may be substituted for items of equal or lower value)

(If customer is on the edge, feel free to call office for a deal)

If still No: No problem. We also have starter sets... (next slide)

Can I buy pieces?: Of course! However, our sets are discounted, they’re safer, and you get free stuff. If you don’t mind, I’ll show you our sets and if none of them appeal to you, we can pick out whatever pieces you want!

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Step 1: These next two slides show the starter sets...

Great for building up over time and gifts for family and friends

Explain Each Set:

Essentials + 5 and Studio + 4,

Space Saver, All Knife, Kitchenette Gourmet Set

Step 2: Out of these starter sets, which combination do you like the best?

Present price of favorite starter set only...

Step 3: That set is only ____ per month for 5 months (which includes tax) or ____ in full.

(Have customer write down prices for the set they like)

Step 4: BUY NOW BONUS & Ask for the Order...

If you get this set today, you can still have the Super Shears for free! Is that something you’d be interested in getting today?

(May substitute free item for item of equal value. Can always call manager for help or a deal.)

If yes: Congratulations! You’re going to love Cutco! While I write that up, let’s look at accessories.

If no / unsure: No problem, you can customize your own set. And even with a custom set you can break it up over a few months. Let me show you how it works... (next slide)

Easy-Pay Options 2-Months: $70 minimum order, 3-Months: $200 minimum order, 5-Months: $400 minimum order

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Mrs. _________, you can customize your own set and I can still get you something for free...

Special #1: Let’s make a list of your 5 favorite pieces you see yourself using the most!

(Ask customer to write down their 5 favorite pieces on their “wish list” & you write them down in your notebook)

“GREAT, can you give me one minute to work on those prices?”

(Silently: Add up the individual prices of 5 knives they picked and divide the total by 5 months if it's over $400 (or divide by 3 months if it's over $200) and then write down the in-full & monthly payment in your notebook).

Okay I'm ready with the price for you... You can jot this down, the total for your customized set is ______ which breaks down to _____ per month on a 5-payment plan.

Now if you get these 5 knives TODAY, I can give you a pair of Super Shears or 4 Table Knives for FREE! Which free option would you prefer? Great, would you like to go ahead and get this custom set today?

If Yes: “Great you will love your Cutco! Let's take a look at the accessories just so you know what else is available to add either for now or in the future- Go ahead and open the 3rd slideshow" (and Rep can CLICK HERE to jump to Gifts & Accessories)

If no: “No problem!” (Go to Special #2- next slide)

Special #2: This special is really popular which is your Buy 3 Get 1 Free!

Out of those 5, which ONE knife could you live without?” (Cross off that knife in your notebook & ask customer to cross it off on their list too)

OK... give me one minute to calculate that new price...

(Silently: Add up the price of the 3 highest priced knives on the list, and the lowest priced is knife will be FREE. Then divide total by (5 if total is over $400, 3 if over $200. 2 if over $70) and write it down in your notebook).

Ok Mrs._____... For the (individually name the 4 knives) that’s only ______ in full or _______ for ____ payments. Does that sound better for you?

If yes: "Great, you'll love those pieces!" Let's take a look at the accessories just so you know what else is available to add either for now or in the future- Go ahead and open the 3rd slideshow" (and Rep can CLICK HERE to jump to Gifts & Accessories)

If no: "No problem, Mrs. _____, which are your two favorites? Ok give me 1 minute so I can show you our last special...”

(Silently: Add up the price of the 2 favorites, calculate the monthly payment, write down in notebook)

Ok Mrs. ____ Special #3 is the Free Gadget Special

For those (2 knives), it's only ______ in full or _____/mo for ___ payments & I can give you the Scoop, Veggie Peeler or Large Cutting Board for Free! How does that sound?

If yes: “Great you will love your Cutco!” Let's take a look at the accessories just so you know what else is available to add either for now or in the future- Go ahead and open the 3rd slideshow" (and Rep can CLICK HERE to jump to Gifts & Accessories)

If no: Go to Reserve Your Buy Now Bonus


Mrs. _____, as long as you get at least something today my office will allow me to throw in free stuff when you upgrade later. It’s called reserving the Buy-Now Bonus.

And of course, you’d still be helping me toward my goals.

Let’s see how much your favorite piece would be... which is your #1 favorite piece of Cutco?

Get price - break it into 2 payments & then also divide by 30 days

Ex: Trimmer = $76 (with tax & admin fee) is roughly $42 per month or a little more than $1 per day, which is less than a cup of McDonalds coffee

That is only $____ which is only ______ per month on a 2-pay plan which breaks down to only ______/day.

You can try it out for 2 weeks & if you like it, keep it and if not just return for a full refund, but I'm sure you'll love it.

Would you like to get that piece today?

*You can put any order over $70 retail price on a 2-pay. Recommend a DD edge to start with.

If Yes: Awesome! You'll love that piece. I want to show you the accessories just so you know what else is available to add in the future- I'd hate for you to find out later that I didn't show you everything that was available and I missed something you would have loved. Go ahead and open the 3rd slideshow" (and Rep can CLICK HERE to jump to Gifts & Accessories)

Now Click Here for the next part of your manual and showing Cookware/Flatware/Sporting Knives/BBQ/Gardening/Gifts