Welcome to MOSAIC Lab (Machine learning/ Optimization/ Signal processing/ AI/ Combination Lab) at CSUN.
In the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the utilization of vest amounts of data, commonly referred to as big data, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the performance of ML and AI techniques. When considering data, we can perceive it as a special type of signal, characterized by discretization, significant noise, distribution across various sources/locations, and an exceedingly large size/volume, etc.
In our lab, we focus on tackling the latest and challenging issues in ML and AI by approaching them from the perspectives of signal processing and optimization. This perspective will allow us to delve deeper into the intricacies of the data, unlocking valuable insights that contribute to the advancement of the field.
Moreover, we recognize that ML and AI techniques hold the potential to efficiently address conventional signal processing and optimization problems. As a result, we actively conduct research aimed at applying ML and AI methodologies to tackle these traditional challenges. This multidimensional (or mosaic) approach empowers us to explore novel solutions and opens up new possibilities across various domains and applications.
Drawing an analogy to a landscape in mosaic, each small piece may appear different and unrelated. However, when viewed in the bigger picture, the connections between each piece become apparent and relevant. Similarly, the core mission of our MOSAIC lab is understanding a big picture by connecting small pieces in different fields, including ML, AI, Signal Processing, and Optimization, and making synergies among them. By integrating these diverse perspectives and fields, we aim to make significant contributions to the realm of intelligent systems and pave the way for cutting-edge advancements in the field.
This lab is led by Dr. Myung (Michael) Cho in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).
Feb. 2025: I, as a lead PI, submitted a grant proposal on distributed ML process to NSF with my collaborators at UC Davis and UIowa. Hope this collaborative research proposal to be accepted for funding. Let's see what we can get. Thanks to my collaborators!
Jan. 2025: In this semester, we are going to have our MOSAIC Lab group research meeting every Tuesday and Thursday between 2:30 PM and 5 PM in JD1612 at CSUN. If you are interested in our research, you are welcome to attend!
Nov. 2024: I am going to introduce humanoid robot and programming as a volunteer presenter in STEM event for K-12 students at the Golden Oak Community School in Santa Clarita on Nov. 15, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM as a part of community engagement. If you are interested in the event, you are welcome to attend! Link to [Photo]
Nov. 2024: I am going to present my recent research on distributed machine learning process at the 2024 CSUN REU Workshop as a keynote speaker. Thanks for inviting me to the Workshop for the keynote talk.
Sept. 2024: I submitted my grant proposal on developing AI-empowered learning platform for STEM education as PI to California Learning Center. Thanks to my collaborators! Let's see what we can get.
Sept. 2024: I submitted my journal paper on compressed hypothesis testing to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP). Many thanks to my collaborators! Let's see what we can get from the review process. The ArXiv version of the paper can be found in the following link: [Paper].
Sept. 2024: In this fall semester, we plan to have our MOSAIC Lab group research meeting every Friday from Sept. 6, 2024, between 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM at JD1612, Jacaranda Hall, CSUN. During the meeting, graduate students in MOSAIC lab will present their research interest, talk about their graduate projects, and have technical discussion on research projects. If you are interested in the meeting, welcome to attend!
Aug. 2024: My single author journal paper on deep learning for optimal control of distributed multi-agent control systems was finally accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Impact factor: 6.2 in Aug. 2024) for publication. The ArXiv version of the paper can be found in the following link: [Paper].
May 2024: I uploaded the poster for my paper on network design for efficient distributed ML process which was presented in IEEE ICASSP 2024. It is accessible in the following link. [Poster]
Apr. 2024: I submitted my journal paper on deep learning for optimal control of distributed multi-agent control systems to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control for the 3rd round of review.
Apr. 2024: I submitted my journal paper about compressed hypothesis testing to SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS). Many thanks to my collaborators! Let's see what we can get from the review process.
Mar. 2024: I submitted my conference paper about on-device AI to IEEE ISVLSI 2024 with my collaborators and students at CSUN. Let's see what we can get.
Feb. 2024: In this spring semester, we plan to have our MOSAIC Lab group research meeting every Friday from Feb. 16, 2024, between 12 and 2 PM at JD1612. During the meeting, graduate students in MOSAIC lab will present their research interest and talk about their graduate projects. If you are interested in the meeting, welcome to attend!
Jan. 2024: I submitted a grant proposal on on-device AI to Army Research Lab (ARL). Hope this research proposal will be accepted.
Dec. 2023: My paper written with my MS student, Meghana, on distributed ML process was accepted to present in IEEE ICASSP 2024 conference. According to the technical program chair, the acceptance rate was 45%. Many thanks to my collaborators!
Dec. 2023: We are going to have the 3rd MOSAIC Lab group gathering on Dec. 1, 2023, Friday from 12:30 PM to 2 PM, at JD 1612. We are going to talk about basic background knowledge on machine learning during the event. If you are interested in the event, welcome to attend!
Nov. 2023: I submitted my journal paper "Low-Rank LQR Control Design for the Scalability of Large-Scale Distributed Multi-Agent Systems," to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control for the first round review.
Nov. 2023: I gave an invited talk in the course of ECE 101 hosted by Dr. S. K. Ramesh at CSUN. The presentation slide can be accessible in the following link. [Slide]
Nov. 2023: We are going to have the 2nd MOSAIC Lab group gathering on Nov. 3, 2023, Friday from 12:30 PM to 2 PM, at JD 1612. We are going to talk about basic background knowledge on machine learning during the event. If you are interested in the event, welcome to attend!
Oct. 2023: 1st MOSAIC Lab group gathering will be held on Oct. 20, 2023, Friday, from 12:30 PM to 2 PM, at Jacaranda Hall 1612. Hope to see you there!
Sept, 2023: Uploaded the presentation slides for my conference paper (title: Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent with Imbalanced Data on a General Tree Network), which was presented at IEEE MLSP, 2023. [Slide]
Sept. 2023: Submitted my research grant proposal on distributed ML process to NSF ERI Program. Hope this research grant proposal will be accepted at this time.
Sept. 2023: I am thrilled to join in the Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM (ARCS) at CSUN to involve in possible collaborative projects with NASA. Thanks, Dr. Bingbing Li at ARCS, for inviting me to the group!
Sept. 2023: I submitted two papers on distributed ML process and optimal control to IEEE ICASSP 2024 conference. One of the papers on distributed ML process was written with my MS student, Meghana. Thanks for the endeavor in the implementation of algorithms! Let's see what we can get as a result.
Aug. 2023: Submitted my journal paper on deep learning for optimal control of distributed multi-agent control systems to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control for the second round review.
Aug. 2023: I am excited to announce that I am moving to California State University, Northridge (CSUN) to begin my new position.
Jul. 2023: My journal paper on super-resolution signal recovery was accepted to Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA. Many thanks to my collaborators!
Jul. 2023: My conference paper on virus testing was accepted to 2023 Asilomar conference. Many thanks to my collaborators!
Jul. 2023: My conference paper on distributed machine learning process, titled "Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent with Imbalanced Data on a General Tree Network", was accepted to IEEE MLSP 2023. Many thanks to my collaborators!
Jun. 2023: Uploaded the presentation slides for my conference paper (title: Low-Rank LQR Optimal Control Design for Controlling Distributed Multi-Agent Systems) presented at European Control Conference (ECC) 2023. [Slide]
May 2023: Submitted my conference paper on distributed algorithm for machine learning process to IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) 2023.
Apr. 2023: Submitted my conference paper on virus testing to Asilomar conference 2023.
Mar. 2023: Submitted my conference paper on signal processing with structural information "Error Correction codes for testing chemical/biological agents: Using pooled testing to increase test reliability" to IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) conference 2023.
Mar. 2023: My conference paper on optimal control "Low-rank LQR optimal control design for controlling distributed multi-agent systems" was accepted to European Control Conference (ECC) 2023.
Feb. 2023: My journal paper "Separation-Free Super-Resolution from Compressed Measurements is Possible: an Orthonormal Atomic Norm Minimization Approach" was submitted to Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA for the second round review.
Jan. 2023: Submitted my conference paper on the topic of distributed machine learning process to International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023.
Jan. 2023: Submitted my journal paper on the optimal control "Analysis to choose a proper LQR control design for controlling distributed multi-agent systems" to Elsevier Systems and Control Letters for the first round review. The manuscript can be accessible in the following link: [Link]
Nov. 2022: Submitted my conference paper on the optimal control "Low-rank LQR control design for controlling distributed multi-agent systems" to European Control Conference (ECC) 2023. ArXiv version is accessible in the following link. [Paper]
Oct. 2022: Submitted my grant proposal targetting NSF ERI program, titled "ERI: Investigating Communication Network Effect on Distributed Machine Learning Process"
Sept. 2022: My journal paper with collaborators at UIowa "Use of Compressed Sensing to Expedite High-Throughput Diagnostic Testing for COVID-19 and Beyond" was accepted to PLOS Computational Biology, 2022. Many thanks to my collaborators at UIowa!
Sept. 2022: Submitted my journal paper "Deep Neural Networks Based on Iterative Thresholding and Projection Algorithms for Sparse LQR Control Design" to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control for the first round review. ArXiv version is accessible in the following link. [Paper]
Sept. 2022: After revision, I submitted my journal paper "Compressed Hypotheses Testing: To Mix or Not To Mix?" to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory for the third time review.
Jul. 2022: Uploaded the presentation slide of "Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm and Model-Based Neural Networks for Sparse LQR Control Design" for European Control Conference (ECC) 2022. [Slide]
Feb. 2022: My conference paper on the optimal control "Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm and Model-Based Neural Networks for Sparse LQR Control Design" was accepted to present at European Control Conference (ECC) 2022.
Aug. 2021: The code for the distributed dual coordinate ascent in tree network paper was uploaded. Please find the code in the Papers tap.
Jul. 2021: My conference paper "Moving Target Tracking with Missing data in 2-D or higher Dimension" with senior students (Jarod Klinefelter, Henry Chiapa, and Leland Ralston) at PSU Behrend was accepted to present at Asilomar conference on Signals, Systems and Computer, 2021.
Jun. 2021: My collaborators and I submitted our journal paper "A high-throughput COVID-19 pooled testing approach using compressed sensing".
May 2021: My patent with my collaborators "Rotating Shield Brachytherapy System" is finally granted to be active.
May 2021: Won "Distinguished Award for Excellence in Teaching" from School of Engineering, PSU Behrend. Thanks to my students and committee members.
Apr. 2021: My research proposal about optimal control over wireless communication networks with Dr. Abdallah (Co-PI) was selected to be funded by the research seed grant from PSU Behrend (Jul. 2021 - Jul. 2022, Role: PI)
Feb. 2021: My journal paper "Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent in General Tree Networks and Communication Network Effect on Synchronous Machine Learning" was accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communication (IEEE JSAC - Impact factor: 11.42 in 2021) Series on Machine Learning in Communications and Networks. Many thanks to my collaborators! The Arxiv version of the paper is accessible in the following link. [Paper]
Nov. 2020: I submitted my journal paper "Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent in General Tree Networks and Communication Network Effect on Synchronous Machine Learning" for the 2nd round review.
Sept. 2020: My journal paper "Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent in General Tree Networks and Communication Network Effect on Synchronous Machine Learning" is under review. I submitted the revised paper for the next round review. Hope that the revised one is accepted for publication.
Aug. 2020: My collaborators and I are working on the research related to COVID-19 virus and antibody testing. We uploaded recent progress "Optimal Pooling Matrix Design for Group Testing with Dilution (Row Degree) Constraints" on Arxiv in the following links. [Paper]
Jul. 2020: My collaborators and I are working on the research related to COVID-19 virus and antibody testing. My recent paper "Error Correction Codes for COVID-19 Virus and Antibody Testing: Using Pooled Testing to Increase Test Reliability" is uploaded on Arxiv in the following links. [Paper]
Jul. 2020: I submitted my journal paper "Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent in General Tree Networks and Communication Network Effect on Synchronous Machine Learning". The Arxiv version of the paper is accessible in the following link. [Paper]
May 2020: IEEE VTC 2020-spring conference presentation (title: Communication-efficient Optimal Control Design for Distributed Control Systems in Cooperative Vehicular Networks) is accessible in the following link. [Poster]
Jan. 2020: My paper "Communication-efficient Optimal Control Design for Distributed Control Systems in Cooperative Vehicular Networks" was accepted to IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2020 (VTC2020-Spring).
Aug. 2019: I joined in the ECE department at Penn State Behrend as a tenure-track assistant professor.
Jul. 2019: I submitted my journal paper "Compressed Hypothesis Testing: To Mix or Not to Mix" to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. The Arxiv version of the paper and supplement materials are accessible in the following links. [Paper] [Supp]
May 2019: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Conference presentation (title: Generalized distributed dual coordinate ascent in a tree network for machine learning) is accessible in the following link. [Poster]
Feb. 2019: My two papers "Generalized Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent in a Tree Network for Machine Learning" and "Shift-Invariant Subspace Tracking with Missing Data" were accepted to IEEE ICASSP 2019.
Sept. 2018: My journal paper "Keyway Selection Optimization for Multi-helix Rotating Shield Brachytherapy" is submitted to the Medical Physics journal.
Aug. 2018: I joined in the FREEDM Systems Center at North Carolina State University (NCSU) for my postdoc research.
Jul. 2018: My journal paper "Separation-Free Super-Resolution from Compressed Measurements is Possible: an Orthonormal Atomic Norm Minimization Approach" is submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Jun. 2018: IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) Conference presentation (title: A non-convex approach to joint sensor calibration and spectrum estimation ) is accessible in the following link. [Poster]
May 2018: My Ph.D. dissertation is accessible at the following link: https://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=7403&context=etd.
Apr. 2018: I moved to Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) for my postdoc research.
Mar. 2018: My paper "Separation-Free Super-Resolution from Compressed Measurements is Possible: an Orthonormal Atomic Norm Minimization Approach" is accepted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2018.
Mar. 2018: My paper “A non-convex approach to joint sensor calibration and spectrum estimation" is accepted to IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) Workshop, 2018
Feb. 2018: My journal paper "Computable performance guarantees for compressed sensing matrices" is accepted to EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing and accessible in the following link. [Paper]
Jan. 2018: I submitted my revised paper about checking the performance of a sensing matrix in compressed sensing for the 3rd round review.
Dec. 2017: My patent on a rotating shield brachytherapy system is accessible in the following link. [Patent]
Dec. 2017: I got the second review comments on "Computable performance guarantees for compressed sensing matrices" and now it is in the 3rd round revision.
Nov. 2017: My new paper about the separation-free super-resolution "Separation-Free Super-Resolution from Compressed Measurements is Possible: an Orthonormal Atomic Norm Minimization Approach" is uploaded in Arxiv. [Paper]
Oct. 2017: I submitted my revised paper about checking the performance of a sensing matrix in compressed sensing for the second round review.
Sept. 2017: I gave an invited talk about my research on super-resolution in a machine learning reading group at OSU. [Slide]
Aug. 2017: I received review comments on my journal paper "Computable performance guarantees for compressed sensing matrices" and now it is in the 2nd round revision.
Aug. 2017: My "2D phaseless super-resolution" paper is published in the following link. [Paper]
Aug. 2017: I will start my postdoc position in Prof. Yuejie Chi's lab at Ohio State University (OSU).
Jul. 2017: My paper "Fast dose optimization for rotating shield brachytherapy " is accepted to the Medical Physics journal.
Jun. 2017: I revised and submitted "Fast dose optimization for rotating shield brachytherapy " paper to the Medical Physics journal.
May 2017: Two works ("Fast dose optimization algorithm", "Multi-catheter rotating shield brachytherapy control system") are accepted for oral presentations at AAPM (The American Association of Physicists in Medicine) Annual Meeting, 2017.
May 2017: "2D phaseless super-resolution" paper is accepted at SPIE Wavelets and Sparsity XVII conference in San Diego, 2017.
May 2017: I defended my Ph.D. dissertation. (Title: Convex and Non-convex Optimizations for Recovering Structured Data: Algorithms and Analysis, Advisor: Dr. Weiyu Xu)