Welcome to MOSAIC Lab (Machine learning/ Optimization/ Signal processing/ AI/ Combination Lab) at CSUN.


In the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the utilization of vest amounts of data, commonly referred to as big data, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the performance of ML and AI techniques. When considering data, we can perceive it as a special type of signal, characterized by discretization, significant noise, distribution across various sources/locations, and an exceedingly large size/volume, etc. 

In our lab, we focus on tackling the latest and challenging issues in ML and AI by approaching them from the perspectives of signal processing and optimization. This perspective will allow us to delve deeper into the intricacies of the data, unlocking valuable insights that contribute to the advancement of the field. 

Moreover, we recognize that ML and AI techniques hold the potential to efficiently address conventional signal processing and optimization problems. As a result, we actively conduct research aimed at applying ML and AI methodologies to tackle these traditional challenges. This multidimensional (or mosaic) approach empowers us to explore novel solutions and opens up new possibilities across various domains and applications. 

Drawing an analogy to a landscape in mosaic, each small piece may appear different and unrelated. However, when viewed in the bigger picture, the connections between each piece become apparent and relevant. Similarly,  the core mission of our MOSAIC lab is understanding a big picture by connecting small pieces in different fields, including ML, AI, Signal Processing, and Optimization, and making synergies among them.  By integrating these diverse perspectives and fields, we aim to make significant contributions to the realm of intelligent systems and pave the way for cutting-edge advancements in the field. 

This lab is led by Dr. Myung (Michael) Cho in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).
